a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction

While the Changeling Army may not have been ready to assault the city, the process of finding new recruits gave Skoula time to plan the next great attack. Rarity moved to comfort her. Nopony usually goes in there, and it would provide the perfect cover for us to carve out a plan while we wait for the moment to strike. What do you think of that sir? After Twilight is abandoned by everypony she trusts, Maleficent makes the poor, depressed mare complete her curse. Moments later, Princess Cadance, the bride, Twilight's former foalsitter and somepony with whom she was very close, appeared. From the numerous cracks and windows that dotted the structure, a sickly green light glowed, with trace amounts of smoke rising from them. What.why are you here? Lieutenant Fang, you are hereby dismissed.". He couldnt bear to think of it any longer but he wanted to get it over with so they can quickly make amends to his own sister, the Element Bearer's best friend and Celestia's student they all scarred for life.Still, they had to know, so Shining knocked on the door and it opened to reveal his father Night Light. Sobbed Celestia. "May we bring you anything Princess?" What matters is that we are sorry for what we did, and all we want now is for us to be friends again. Together we would go on to do many unspeakable things, including attacking my sister and attempting to thwart the Element Bearers' search for the Elements of Harmony. Back at the library, Twilight's sobs were beginning to slow. See you.". My sister needs me.". We both know Cadance is capable of taking on any responsibility with the same good grace and warmth she is so blessed with. "Yes ma'am!" The worst of it was from Celestia, whom Twilight idolised and worshipped even as a foal. Engagement at this time is a no-go. They had the matter well in hoof anyway, or so Applejack's pride, stubborn as ever, was trying to convince her. To complicate matters, nopony knew the truth at the time, so by a technicality Twilight was as much at fault as the girls were. That is all.". As for Shining, he felt it was best Celestia was informed of this development. ", "What place would that be Snake?" In fact, I'm sure Shining and Celestia have realized just how badly they screwed up by now. The group cringed and groaned in unison as Rainbow hit the shield with a sickening thud, before sliding down to the ground. "Princess, you are aware Twilight isn't exactly innocent of her crimes either?" "Shininghow could you? Initially, Rarity was met with no answer. Shining Armor, in particular, was taking this harder than the others. It's Cadance! It then fell to Commander Barbarousis to conclude the briefing. Indeed, it was rock solid. The girls were leaving you..what could I have done? The walls, floor and roof were cast marble, a red carpet stretching from the door to Celestia's bed, equally an impressive sight as the room itself. I'm so sorry Twilight. Replied Rarity. With that, Luna walked out the household door, before spreading her wings and taking off into the darkness, the moon (which she had lifted prior to flying to the Sparkle family home) lighting the way ahead. I think the best thing to do right now is to leave them alone until they had time to take in what I told them. She understood that Cadance was trying to play peacemaker, but the odds were against her, and the Mane 5 too. They were all suffering equally as bad as she was, and thus they had to be there for each other and for Twilight especially. ", "Understood Lieutenant. She's first skeptically about meeting new people, but when she discovered the magic of friendship, her life becomes a little happier. Pinkie Pie went back to Sugarcube Corner and her spirits were lifted by the Cakes and their children greeting her happily. The train had now reached the midway point on its journey and yet, Twilight still did not feel at peace. I would do it myself, but I must oversee repairs to the city, as well as the immediate treatment of the injured. Only the Creator knew how long they were going to be there, but that mattered little to Cadance. "Good evening Princess Luna. Without them, Equestria is defenseless.". : Volume 15, Mad Mare With a Box. "Now, the spell should protect you from any attempt at intrusion by the Nightmare Forces. "Nervous?" The valley through which the convoy walked was dotted with rocks and boulders of all shapes and sizes, with the surrounding mountains acting as a perimeter wall which surrounded the hive. There was nothing that could ruin this moment, absolutely nothing. Despite this, Cadance continued to console the distraught unicorn with all the love she had to give and more. Replied Velvet. In the background, Black Blade had returned with one of the best spies in the army, Snake Bite. How could they have no patience for their best friend the one time she was in the wrong, after all the times she helped them with their mistakes? The stallion was beginning to grow desperate, fueled by his intense remorse for his actions. The rest of the Mane 5, along with Cadance and Spike, joined the hug, doing all in their power to console the distraught unicorn. ", "I was well aware of such a situation unfolding sir." The elephant in the room (Shining's betrayal of Twilight) seemed the obvious reason, but it was anypony's guess. Inside their carriage, the mood was quite grim. Understood?". "Listen up Changelings!" "Thank you Luna. At the same time, more dive bomber teams will hit the enemy's archers, attacking them from behind before entering the castle. Before long, Applejack had managed to pull herself together. "If it helps, none of us wanted Twilight to die. That is what Shining told us when he came here, and it is the reason Velvet and I are so furious. They really had gone too far in their treatment of her. The first step will be to attack the Hive, and therefore we must set up a home defence. "Come on girls. He knew he'd have to tell them everything that happened including their betrayal and the invasion that followed their naivety and ignorance to her. Knowing this, then one such as yourself should have learned the lesson to take others more seriously, especially those closest to you. "Twilight, have you forgotten why we're here? Knowing his time was up, Aegis turned to face the victorious Changeling Queen. She was still very ticked off at the Mane 5, not just because they were invading her space, but also because she couldn't trust them to walk out on her again. Cadance asked inquisitively. Somewhere in the outskirts of Canterlot, Chrysalis regained consciousness after suffering both a heavy defeat and a long fall from Canterlot Castle deep into the province's borderlands. Spike's request was greeted with a smile, but Cadance wisely remembered Twilight might not be too pleased to see him. It ain't right of a princess to do something as foalish as a hoofshake." With a sigh, she continued onward to Sugarcube Corner. It bore one of her greatest and most nostalgic hallmarks; a caring, sympathetic smile. The wedding hall was one of those scenes at the present time: the picture of purest sadness. Also, we did not know it at the time, but their leader, Queen Chrysalis, had managed to somehow infiltrate the city, taking the place of the bride after locking her in the Canterlot Caves.". To her surprise, it was the former who answered the door. Urged Fluttershy. As she began pushing down the right trigger using her magic, there were three knocks on the door. Thus, she decided to take it upon herself to talk things out with them. It was apparent that the Changelings had taken them prisoner.". It changes depending on how they are feeling at any given time. You didnt even give Spike a chance to choose the wedding or her!, "Mom, please!" Twilight bowed her head as well, Spike and Cadance looking up to notice her movements. The Changelings bowed to greet their queen, before casting hard and menacing looks upon the line of prisoners that were marched inside. "The wedding's been called off", said Shining, trying to keep a straight face. Yet another price had been paid for their mistake, and one that was very, very costly. Cadance interjected. "Pack your things Spike. That much was clear. ", "No Fluttershy,I haven't. They will no doubt be complemented by cavalry and supported by archers from the castle's parapets. Before Pinkie could finish speaking, the girls heard a loud thump outside, followed by the sound of something being dragged through mud. "According to what she told us one evening, Twilight saw this Cadance doing things the real Cadance would never do. The ponies need a leader to unite them in this dark time, and I am more than willing to do just that. To make matters worse, she was the Element of Honesty (or rather, the FORMER Element of Honesty) and therefore she couldn't tell a lie. Dark and evil thoughts began to seep into Chrysalis's mind, but her thinking was quickly ceased by the yelling of a nearby farmer who fled to the village to warn the garrison. Meanwhile, Applejack had woken up from a deep slumber. ", "Yeah Cadance, I'm fine. I was only doing what I thought was right. Once our specialist crack team in Ponyville captures the Princess of Love, we will proceed with the attack by coming out of disguise and making our way toward the castle while dispatching any resistance.". ", "I failed the Element of Loyalty because I did not stand by you when it was needed most." "No Mom, I don't wanna go to flight school." Rainbow groaned groggily. Nodding to their sergeant, the Changeling troops assumed their disguises, as did Icy Tone and Snake Bite. There were no villagers though. Greater matters such as this always overruled the minor details, a fact Cadance did not forget. The Princess requests a moment alone with the captain.". The lavender unicorn looked at him, having snapped out of her trance. They followed behind her, closing the doors as they left. ", "But they shouldn't be here in the first place Cadance! The yellow pegasus croaked tiredly. "It's going to be OK.". Just thinking about her down in the caves, cold, heartbroken, alone and dying while they were all caught up in the happiness of the false wedding and then Chrysalis taking over and her army wreaking havoc across Equestria, especially Ponyville, without their best friend to help stop their greatest enemy brought tears of shame to her eyes. ", "Thank you your Majesty." This make the pink alicorn smile warmly. "Don't you get it?! How she, out of her friends, her brother and her mentor was the only one to notice the glints of Chrysalis's evil under the shroud of her poorly rehearsed masquerade, how helpless and shocked she felt when Chrysalis brainwashed Shining, how little her friends took her seriously when she tried to tell them her concerns about the impostor, how hurt and betrayed she felt when they walked out on her, following her brother to comfort a pony who was completely undeserving of any sympathy, regardless of the crocodile tears she shed, how lost everything seemed when Celestia was defeated and she and her friends were captured before they could reach the Elements of Harmony, and how justified she felt after Chrysalis was beaten. You had no choice but to banish me to the moon for 1000 years. "Right away your Majesty". Midnight Star - FiMFetch.net Each and every sob that Twilight sobbed made Cadance shake a little, but still she held onto the unicorn for all she was worth. The Mane 5, Shining and Celestia turned their heads to the source of the voice. A battle was on the rise, but before the already present hostilities could escalate, the two sides stopped just metres from each other. You have not only brought shame to our family Applejack, but you have brought shame on yourself and your Element. "After all, we need you to lead the Elements of-mmph!". Opposite them, the garrison of Royal Guards was also rushing towards them, with the mission to take down Chrysalis and exile her and her troops from Canterlot. I wasn't going to let them go, so I chose to betray my best friend in favour of a bug. "State your business." Around her, some of her Changelings were also coming to, but their numbers had been severely depleted following the massive pulse of magic released unto them by Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. ", "I'm not sure darling. When we betrayed you, the connection between us as the Elements of Harmony was critically damaged to the point where they could not be used. If you know of any of their movements, let me know immediately! Snake was renowned for his effectiveness on the field, particularly in espionage and marking targets for the army to eliminate. Replied Twilight, who headed back inside. The look on her face was neither smiling nor frowning, but one of concern. She tried explaining to her friends, but they dismissed her concerns as mere wedding stress. Perhaps she had been a bit too scathing in her criticism of her sister. Suddenly, with authority Spike threw his hat on the ground, not caring in the slightest about whatever damage it suffered. Now, do me a favour and try not to cry while I'm spying on you.". Yelled both commanders as their forces clashed. For now it was just Twilight, huddled in a warm embrace with those she loved and held dear. Do you seriously expect us to have just believed her out of blind loyalty? ah' was crying last night because of something terrible that ah' did. Because of your foolishness, our dear Twilight will be lost. "On your hooves, quickly! Everything that happened.it's all stuck in my head and I can't get it out!". ", "I know Dad", sighed Shining. The other Bearers, accompanied by the Princess of Love now seek to repair relations with the Bearer of Magic, in hopes of the restoration of the Elements of Harmony to action. There's still a chance for you to make up with Twilight. We'll let you in, but they are not allowed on this property!" Answered Pinkie, her voice, for once, devoid of any jubilance. "Morning Rarity." Groaned Pinkie, yawning as she spoke. "Now, about these underground tunnels, I think it would be most helpful if a lot of ponies in Canterlot knew about them. As she began to sob once more, Spike immediately took the mare in his arms, consoling her for all she was worth. "Oh my Celestia, my poor Twiley!" ", "Lady Velvet, Sir Light, the reason I am here is because of your aura.". Back in Canterlot, Shining Armor had arrived at his and Twilights old family home with the orders to inform their parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light of their current situation. Don't forget what you have learned!". "You are dismissed. We must plan for a defensive operation in advance. I think I need to lie down". She would reveal her true identity, before going horn-to-horn against Celestia. Said Chrysalis confidently. Meanwhile, Canterlot was buzzing with activity. ", "I failed the Element of Generosity because I was not generous enough to show you that I still cared about you." Pinkie piped up. But that was the thing. In the meantime, she was drinking a cup of hot cocoa, trying to drown her sorrows. We will never-". It was a plan she was very much impressed with. They betrayed her trust, they crushed her spirit and left her to die all in one fell swoop.". Clearly you are the worst examples of friends I have ever seen, because you are all perfectly ready and willing to leave Twilight when it suits you, now am I right or am I not?". "Let me see my sister captain." With that, the war room returned to its usual activity. That was an impostor with evil intentions, yet you let her facade fool you, and I know you sister. After a long moment of silence, Fluttershy managed to speak the question that hung on everypony's minds. Meanwhile, Cadance and the Mane 5 were aboard the train which followed Twilight's to Ponyville. "Without Twilight, the Elements become useless!". Cried Shining. Shining replied grimly. Finished Celestia. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction. The reality was obvious: While they thankfully hadn't signed their death warrants, Shining, the Mane 5 and Celestia had condemned themselves to this hell they were living. As the days passed, and my hopes turned into bitterness, you ignored it for the limelight, leaving me to succumb to my demons. "Hunter! The army would be trained hard in the killing of Royal Guards and civilians who attempted to assist in the defence of the city. ", "The point here, your Majesty" Night Light continued "is that our daughter was the key to stopping the invasion before it ever began. You know what we want, and if you do not surrender, then we will happily walk over you and anypony else who stands in our way to get it". "Princess Cadance, I'm here to see Twilight. With the defeat of the princesses, the pegasi and unicorns will then exit the castle through the main entrance and over the walls, so as to engage the Royal Guards from behind. Do you want me to cast this protection spell?". While there was no conflict outside, there was conflict deep inside. Can't you find it in your heart to give them another chance?". Please calm down! "Let's go home Spike. Not only was this the most important moment of the Mane 5's lives, but it was quite possibly the most important moment in Equestrian history. Once the Princess is captured, you are to flee the village and return to the Hive. asked Night with a hint of disappointment. We may either succeed and conquer Canterlot, or we may fail and be evicted once more, but once thing is for certain. Spike? Replied Applejack, slightly unsure of what was about to happen. ", "Yeah, we screwed up big time." Shining stopped dead in his tracks, the equivalent of a spear slamming into his heart. Spike took it to mean Twilight rejected his request, until he heard the door unlock. His attention soon returned to the royal sisters, who were just finishing up Luna's interrogation. Just please try to bring her around. ", "Shh, it's OK big sister." MLP: FiM. ", "I just came to see how you were after yesterday. In fact, let her know that if she wants an audience with me to gain her trust, I would be more than happy to meet with her. You can still be angry at Twilight's friends, Shining Armor and Celestia, but not too much. "Hello Twilight." Unfortunately, like the Mane 5, Shining and Celestia, he fell for the same delusions that Twilight was still in the wedding hall, wallowing in her misery. It was about midway into the journey when Luna picked up on the aura of tension that floated in the air around Shining and the guards, making her feel uneasy. "He is the captain of the Canterlot's Royal Guard" explain Twilight. Your capability to write off somepony's feelings as mere folly is of no surprise to me, considering it was what happened between us long ago, but in these circumstances I find it particularly hard to believe you could write off your student, the one pony besides me whom I know you care very dearly for and trust implicitly, as a jealous and overpossessive brat. Please believe me, it didn't feel right to leave you hurting like that, but I didn't want to be ejected from the wedding either.

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a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction