South Gloucestershire encompasses large areas of distinctive and high quality built and natural/rural landscape, which should be safeguarded and enhanced, and where possible, incorporated into development proposals. A character and context appraisal should be provided within the design and access statement to support a planning application, and to show how the local context has been considered and taken into account in the design of the development. At this stage the map below is intended to give an indication of where the zones could be and allow discussion about the pros and cons of the zones proposed. Are located in areas identified as suitable for renewable energy development in the technical maps (to be included in the Appendices of the Local Plan); orb. The following hierarchy helps explain the approach to cooling required: The use of air conditioning systems is not a sustainable cooling option and should be avoided as it exacerbates carbon dioxide emissions and overheating risks. The criteria and expectations in relation to the use of resources, materials and re-use of buildings will be contained in a proposed new policy Sustainable Design and Construction, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan 2020. South Gloucestershire is an area with extensive Green Belt, Cotswold National Landscape designation, bustling urban areas and three unique market towns. 23. This policy addresses the emissions from the operational phase of a building/development, in terms of heat and power. For information existing guidance (to support existing policy PSP6) explains how to calculate the total residential energy use and can be viewed here (insert hyperlink). Regulated energy includes space heating, ventilation, hot water supply and lighting. part one covers policies for managing new development these policies have been drawn up in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and National Planning Practice Guidance, part two covers the allocation and protecting of sites and places within South Gloucestershire this includes details of town centres and site allocations, there are also links to local green spaces and heritage sites at risk. This includes the integration where feasible of NNB with the decommissioning of the existing station, including the reuse of previously developed land, facilities and materials thereby reducing the extent of greenfield land needed for NNB and minimising the scale and extent of built form in the rural Levels and estuary landscape and seascape. The objective will be to ensure that only those proposals with a positive balance of outcomes in terms of reducing negative effects or increased benefits are consented. Unlike for example domestic waste streams, radioactive waste from a nuclear power station is not generated by that local community, it is generated by that national infrastructure facility and any on site disposal would again be hosted by that local community on behalf of the nation. This policy must work in combination with other aspects of the plan and also changes likely to happen outside of planning. 25. A drop down menu will appear with address options. The tables link each policy to one of our emerging plan priorities, for example, exceptional spaces and places. The Core Strategy, which contains the strategic policies for the area, was adopted in 2013. Income generation for community infrastructure purposes does not form a material consideration in planning decisions. In line with this guidance, site operators are required to produce a Waste Management Plan, a Site Wide Environmental Safety Case, and strategies to keep the risk of radiation exposure to people as low as reasonably achievable, taking into account economic and social factors. This policy should be read in combination with all other relevant policies in the Plan, but in particular the suite of policies relating to NSIPs, decommissioning and radioactive waste. We will continue to equip our staff with the tools and skills to do their jobs to the best of their abilities, harnessing the potential of new technology and holding on to improved ways of working to deliver even better value for money for residents and businesses. Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) Plan - South Gloucestershire To inform the Councils largely discretionary role in: Pre-application engagement on Oldbury New Nuclear Build power station Responding to informal and formal consultations Input to the Examination and any responses to the Secretary of State. Decommissioning involves activities such as the removal and temporary storage and/or disposal of hazardous waste such as asbestos and radioactive waste, the rationalisation of buildings and reuse of land for activities relating to of decommissioning, and the demolition of those that are no longer needed. And in identifying and supporting those most in need and helping people to help themselves, we hope to raise living standards for the most disadvantaged. Given the intergenerational timeframes involved with decommissioning, the long timeframes involved in radioactive decay, and any potential hazards associated with low and very low level radioactive materials proposed to be disposed of on site, it will be vital to ensure that mechanisms are put in place to ensure that records are available and signposted to future organisations, land owners, decision makers and regulators, and to inform land use planning into the future. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? The local authority is also responsible for discharging Requirements (akin to planning conditions) following the grant of a Development Consent Order. Potential for integrated solutions between the Magnox and NNB including to the temporary and/or long term reuse of brownfield land and flood mitigation Maximise sustainable transport and construction methods Integrate Sustainable Drainage solutions into NNB site design Facilitate the use of waste heat from NNB for e.g. It replaces most of the. Updated technical guidance will be prepared by the Council to accompany the policy and explain how we expect applicants to demonstrate that their development proposals comply with the policy requirements. Locations which are highly accessible and provided with public transport options, and close to employment, shops and services, are being investigated as part of this process. Such projects are often of a scale and complexity that may have wide ranging effects, both positive and negative, on local communities, the economy and the local area. Evidence of climate change mitigation should be submitted to demonstrate how development proposals:a) Are to be built with materials, and construction methods, that have a low carbon footprint; andb) Are located in areas where the need to travel is minimised, the use of the private car is minimised irrespective of fuel source, and opportunities for using sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport, are optimised (in line with the approach in existing policies CS8 and PSP11); andc) Minimise energy consumption through efficiency measures at building and site level; andd) Use renewable and/or low carbon sources of heating systems; ande) Maximise passive cooling measures, and meet residual cooling demand sustainably; andf) Optimise renewable and/or low carbon energy generation; andg) Incorporate infrastructure and technology to facilitate low carbon living and working. d) Any parking provided is well-designed, conveniently sited, safe, overlooked, well-landscaped and sensitively integrated into the public realm or built form, so that it does not dominate the street scene. 1. What is the current approach to Parking Standards? Otherwise 1 secure, undercover space, Newly built and converted dwellings without garage (C3), Health Centres, doctors surgery, dentist surgery, veterinary surgery (D1**), Day nurseries/playgroups, crches (D1**), Community centres, family centres/family resource centre (D1**), Secondary schools (Non-residential) (D1**), Colleges, University (Non- residential) (D1**), Sports hall; indoor bowls; health club/gymnasium; Ice rink/swimming pool (D2**), Tennis courts, squash courts, playing fields (D2**). Recent updates to national legislation has resulted in changes to the Use Classes Order. Each of these commitments has its own dedicated Action Plan which sets out how we will deliver our priorities and measure our progress to maintain the extraordinary status we believe South Gloucestershire merits. The Council Plan is based around four key priorities which have been informed by a recognition of some fundamental challenges: notably driven by a passion to reduce our growing inequality gap and meet our climate emergency promise. PDF South Gloucestershire Council Gloucestershire's Local Development Guide 2021 e) Good internal storage has been provided, which meets the expected day-to-day needs of a range of potential occupiers, by designing new homes and community facilities which as a minimum meet the Nationally Described Space Standard (or replacement of it). Plan:MK now. We also want to make sure that new development goes further to reducing the amount of carbon required to heat and run new homes by eventually replacing policy CS3 (Renewable and low carbon energy generation) and PSP6 (Onsite renewable and low carbon energy), with new further reaching standards, as we aim for zero carbon development. are clear and accessible. On-site measures should be prioritised over carbon offsetting payments. South Gloucestershire Council to drop regional growth plan 15 January 2020 Getty Images The regional scheme outlined plans for 105,000 new homes A second council is set to abandon the joint. The most recent 'call for sites' is now closed and ran from 7 July 2020 to 20 October 2020. Introduction: A great place to live, work and visit, How we will work: People, Place, Partnership, How we will measure performance: What it will look like, improving our resilience to climate change, enabling development of renewable and low carbon energy supplies, protecting and restoring our natural environment and encouraging greater bio-diversity. A Community Impact Assessment will also be required in order to bring together and assess individual and cumulative impacts on existing communities and to inform the development and timely implementation of appropriate management and mitigation measures. d) Where possible, renewable and low carbon energy installations and infrastructure have been incorporated. For more information see our local plan review. In the longer term land that will be needed for long term site clearance related activity, but in the interim may potentially become available for beneficial temporary uses. In combination with other policies in the Local Plan 2020, the policy below may however inform the Councils review and assessment of the preferred principles for decommissioning that are expected to form part of any DCO application for NNB. Natural environmentOur natural environment is under growing pressure from a range of factors including climate change, increased levels of pollution, changes in agriculture and development. They should make sufficient provision for: They also provide a clear starting point for more detailed non-strategic policies that are needed to address a wide range of issues. Policy Option 1: Net zero carbon (100% reduction in carbon emissions) from regulated energy use;or Policy Option 2: Net zero carbon (100% reduction in carbon emissions) from regulated and unregulated energy use. The Councils will continue their longstanding history of joint working and cooperate with each other and with other key bodies on strategic, cross boundary matters as they prepare their Local Plans.The evidence base prepared so far to inform the Spatial Development Strategy will be published on the WECA website and will be reviewed and used as appropriate to inform the Councils Local Plans. 66. Given the perceptions relating to radioactive waste, security requirements and limitations on future use that would be imposed by disposal of low level and very low level waste on site at Oldbury, that would endure for many generations into the future, but without any benefits of employment opportunities on the site, it is appropriate that Community Benefits are secured to offset these impacts. Car Parking Standards for both residential and non-residential developments within certain areas are looking to move towards a flexible approach relating to the accessibility of the development location, with the most accessible locations requiring the lowest car parking provision. can demonstrate wider environmental benefits associated with increased production of energy from renewable or low carbon sources; orc. Age UK South Gloucestershire is an independent local charity with its own locally elected board of trustees and is part of the Age UK network. Our new Council Plan 2020 sets out how we will build on and deliver this vision, highlighting: This is your Council Plan. In order to minimise impact, and reduce the risk of unforeseen impacts, advance surveys and assessments of baseline conditions should inform site selection and planning work as well as detailed design. Along with other relevant policies in the plan, this policy will be a material consideration in assessing individual planning and waste applications, notifications and any consultations related to the decommissioning of Oldbury power station. Good public transport provision relates to a close / walkable distance to bus stops and or railway stations; frequency of services; locations that are served by the routes including key destinations and facilities not found locally, and journey times to those destinations and facilities. Often, adaptation measures do not just mitigate potential harm, but also offer beneficial opportunities a single measure can satisfy several policy requirements. To this end, we are updating our evidence base through preparing a Renewable Energy Resource Assessment Study (RERAS), and through doing so we will identify suitable areas for renewable and low carbon energy generation and related infrastructure. Set out whether a carbon offsetting contribution is required to mitigate any remaining carbon emissions. Although the 1992 planning permission for Lagoon 3 required restoration to its former or an improved condition following cessation of its use, the biodiversity value of this feature is declining as the water area reduces due to scrubbing over. A total population of 285,100 in 2019 which is projected to rise to 354,300 in 2043. We are developing a new Local Plan for South Gloucestershire. Future stages of the Local Plan 2020 will put forward a more comprehensive set of draft policies. We see education as the primary driver for tackling inequality and with our partners we will provide an inclusive education offer in which leaders and staff have high aspirations for all children. Option 1 requires residential development to reduce carbon emissions from regulated energy use by 100%. Further evidence, for example, landscape sensitivity assessments, will be gathered and used to help inform decision-making on planning applications that come forward. These shifting patterns make it more important to create well-designed living environments, with good storage spaces, natural light and views, with access to a range of quality private and public open spaces and public realm. Resistive electric heating (unless part of certified Passivhaus) is excluded. Specific on-site requirements for Major Non- Residential Development. For example, a non-strategic policy may be a detailed policy for a specific area like Kingwood, where the Urban Lifestyles approach is being considered, or growth in a rural village or market town. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? South Gloucestershire Local Plan 2020 - YouTube Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The layout integrates with existing or permitted adjacent development and connects with the wider network of foot, cycle and public transport links, including Public Rights of Way and strategic green infrastructure corridors/routes; b) Safe and sustainable access to existing and proposed Key Services & Facilities is provided or enhanced, through a range of transport options, giving priority to sustainable travel modes, such as walking and cycling; c) Permeable space(s) and accessible route(s) through a development have been created, allowing clear, safe, and direct movement, taking account of desire lines where appropriate; and. Priority 1 Creating the best start in life for our children and young peoplePriority 2 Identifying and supporting those most in need and helping people to help themselvesPriority 3 Promoting sustainable inclusive communities, infrastructure, and growthPriority 4 Realising the full potential of our people and delivering value for money. This could include the provision of new facilities or the upgrading of existing. It will include where. Planning law requires that planning decisions are made in accordance with the Council's Development Plan. For example, we know we need to set a new strategy and policies for where new homes, jobs and infrastructure will go, to eventually replace existing policies like CS5 (Location of development), CS12 (Safeguarded areas for economic development), and our approach to town centres and high streets (Policies CS14 and PSP31). South Gloucestershire is a safe, healthy and affluent district with high levels of employment. For residential development with communal off street parking provision, at least 20 per cent of spaces are required to have active charging facilities, and passive provision is required for all remaining spaces; High density and/or large scale residential / mixed use developments are additionally required to facilitate the provision of an electric or ultra-low emission car club, and provide dedicated space for the club with active charging facilities; All non-residential developments (e.g. Do you agree with the range and scope of policies we are proposing to include in our new Local Plan? The provisions and requirements set out in this policy will ensure all development meets a high level of design quality, addresses the Climate Emergency and leads to more sustainable development, places and spaces. Since the disposal of radioactive waste on site is likely to constrain future land uses and activities and result in the need for security/regulation, waste management or disposal proposals should form an integral part of master planning for decommissioning of the site at Oldbury. We will ensure that children and young people are supported in their early years, We will work to eliminate child poverty across South Gloucestershire, We will support all children and young people to achieve positive mental health and wellbeing, We will provide appropriate support to facilitate choices for children with a learning difficulty, We will provide the best support possible to those children and young people we are responsible for in care, as they leave care and beyond as they begin independent lives, We will ensure people have access to the best possible information, advice, and guidance to support themselves and their families, We will shift the balance of support towards prevention, We will support the most vulnerable adults to maintain and promote their independence, We will enable communities to work together to help improve their lives and address the problems that are important to them, We will ensure that people feel safeguarded and supported in our care, at home and in their communities, We will clean streets and maintain roads effectively, We will lead the response to the climate emergency and deliver on our commitments, We will promote clean, affordable, high quality design of new and existing communities, We will plan to join up housing and appropriate infrastructure such as schools and transport networks that make it easier for people to get around, prioritising sustainable and low carbon travel choices, We will enable people and business to recover and thrive within cohesive communities that value diversity, We will demonstrate how well we deliver value for money in the services we provide and commission from others, We will increase our commercial operations to generate income to support council services and use our assets for maximum benefit to our communities, We will work as one council providing staff with the skills, tools, and support to perform at their best, promote equality of opportunity for all and live our values, We will develop our digital infrastructure to support residents and staff in day-to-day life.
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