hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Rebalanced the factory counts in Austria-Hungary. Fixed LKMT claiming Chhatisgarh instead of Weihaiwei. Adjusted the Costa Rica - Panama border provinces. Fixed a Cambodian annex event not transferring land to German East Asia. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth no longer tries to build a naval base in Vinnitsa. King Nicolae I can succeed instead of Michael. The Italian Republic now starts as an Austrian puppet, but will break free following Black Monday. Fixed von Gring staying around after the Mittelafrikan collapse. The French Republic now specifically asks the British for naval aid, instead of whoever is leading the Entente. Replaced Argentinas instant spawn of dockyards with construction decisions. Added a way for Austria to bribe Bulgaria with Macedonia for an alliance if DAB exists after annexing Serbia. Fixed Italy not claiming Libya's two impassable states. Hundreds of typo corrections and text standardisations. Ma Clique political events now flow more smoothly. German East Asia can now be granted the Philippines by Germany. Select the state with your cursor . Fixed a Norway national spirit giving the wrong type of ideological drift. Fixed countries not being removed from the Phalanstre if at war with the Internationale. Rebalanced the Combined Syndicates To the Bitter End national spirit. Democratic Yugoslavia can now core Trieste. Fixed a Romania event for Bucovina referencing the incorrect country. Fixed Namibia being able to puppet itself. Fixed Transamurs missing leader descriptions for Spiridon Merkulov, Grigory Semyonov and Boris Shumyatsky. Fixed the wrong country receiving the responses in Haitis rubber events. Hopefully fixed any cases of the SAU-OMA peace going haywire. Japan can now be released as a republic under very specific circumstances. For the Manchu Coup path for Qing, each of the three electable parties change their displayed ideologies after subsequent elections, to show they are authoritarian regimes, and not democratic ones as their initial ideologies may suggest. Fixed Mittelafrika not being able to attack Zanzibar. Fixed the Japan-Entente war flag not being set correctly. Fixed the Burmese game rule for them to have a revolution. The Belgium-Germany peace deal timer is actually started properly. SocCon Poland will no longer be potentially granted postwar independence by Germany. Fixed the Belgrade Pact countries not becoming majors upon joining the war. Updated Argentinas foreign policy national focuses to account for puppets. Leader descriptions for all Brazilian leaders. Adaptation of Eastern Front Planes pack for Kaiserreich. Fixed Cuba supporting the opposition in the West Indies Federation benefiting the ruling party instead. Added Mountaineers and Light Tanks to Russia's starting techs. Netherlands: Willem Drees, Willem Hackstroh, Jacob Harberts, Willem Jan Kruys, Roelof Kranenburg, Gustave Statius-Mueller, Henri Swart, Jan van Andel, Cornelis Lodewijk van der Bilt, Jan van Dulm, Cornelius van Geelkerken, Henri Winkelman, Ottoman Empire: Abdlmecid II, Omer Fahrettin Turkkan, Omer Faruk, Mustafa Fevzi, Nafiz Gurman, Hayrullah Fisek, Mahmud Muhtar, Sokru Okan, Kazim Orbay, Hseyin Rauf, Cahit Toydemir, Persia: Hassan Mirza Qajar, Amanollah Jahanbani, Scotland: Alexander Biggam, Hakewell Smith, Roy Urquhart, South Africa: Jack Hodgson, Jacobus Gideon Nel Strauss, Turkey: Nihal Atsiz, Sefik Husnu, Hikmet Kivilcimli, Adnan Menderes, Fethi Okyar, Ismet Resit, Ulster: Basil Brooke (civilian and general), United Baltic Duchy: Otto Goldfeld, Ernst Gustav Heimert von Nolcken, Harry Lutz, Hans Joachim von Manteuffel Szoege, Constantin von Weiss, United States of America: Alben Barkley, Omar Bradley, Arleigh Burke, Harry F Byrd, Adna Chaffee, Happy Chandler, Malin Craig, James Eastland, Frank Fletcher, John Nance Garner, Edwin Harding, Clarence Huebner, Geoffrey Keyes, Walter Krueger, Lesley McNair, James Murray, John Sparkman, Harold Stassen, Glen Taylor, Strom Thurmond, Harry Truman, Jerauld Wright, Union of Britain: Percy Addison, Fred Copeman, Edward Evans, Katherine Furse, Jack Highton, Max Horton, Arthur Power, Gerald Roope, Frederic Walker, Bernard Warburton, Uruguay: Alfredo Ferrari, Atilio Frigerio, Gabriel Terra, Alfredo Baldomir, Wales: Ambrose Bebb, HR Jones, Lewis Jones, SO Davies, Hubert William Lewis, Lewis Saunders (general). Added a way for Uruguay to send troops to Paraguay. Fixed the United Kingdoms Five Eyes and Imperial Preference national spirits not applying to the correct allies. Fixed the fake divisions created by intel counting towards the Division Limit. Fixed Serbia losing the Fourth Balkan War if they happened not to call in their allies. Fixed a bunch of Fengtian variables having wrong scope that potentially caused issues issues with Fengtian-Japan relationship events. Fixed Gandhi not retiring after elections in a post- Lucknow Summit India. Fixed Morocco staying in Mitteleuropa after leaving the Reichspakt. Added an event for Shandong victory in the League War. Fixed the German capitulation event not disbanding the Reichspakt. Fixed Iraq and Syria being unable to invite other countries into the League of Arab States. Chile and Patagonia now get an event to declare war on Paraguay if they puppet or occupy Argentina. Added and revamped coast guard AI rules for Netherlands and Belgium. Fixed a CTD caused by Japan spawning an invalid plane variant. Slightly decreased the effect of Black Monday on Germany. Fixed several bugs with Belgiums Van Severen Flemish coup path. For Transamur, Kolchak can now decide not to expand the navy. Fixed socialist Finland keeping the German guarantee. Fixed the AI stealing the formation of the Centroamerican factions from the player. Nerfed Manchu Qings Unifying Emperor and Mandate of Heaven national spirits. Fixed the RUS Zemstvo flags not being properly cleared if events were delayed. Fixed Poland attacking a non-existent Galicia. The Swiss NatPops can no longer return to Haute-Savoie. Fixed African state cores from Germanys decolonization event. Removed claims on Kiev and Starodub for Polands Commonwealth. Tweaked the text in several Mittelafrikan events surrounding the DKAEB. Fixed the event firing which describes the Syrian insurrection being crushed, when Syria still exists. Fixed Cuba's puppet setup only being applied in one of the event options. Jabal Shammar no longer loses its claims on Arabia when re-puppeted by the Ottomans. Greatly decreased South Africas compliance requirements for coring Damaraland, Inhambane & Gaza, and Namaqualand. Fixed bugs regarding ROM influence system. The Zongshe Party is now PatAut (from SocCon), the Young China Party is now AutDem (from SocLib), while the NCERA is SocCon (from SocDem). AI Legation Cities are now blocked from collapsing if game rules for them were set. Fixed some missing cores for Alash Orda, and it being released without relevant states. Adaptation of Waking the Tiger planes for KR. Removed Belgian general Alexis Vander Veken. AI NatPop Italian Republic will now avoid joining the Moscow Accord until the Second Weltkrieg has started. Added Ayo Mama (Come On, Mom), Gugur Bunga (Fallen Flowers) and Manuk Dadali for Insulindia. Added decisions for Argentina to mobilise emergency divisions, and decrease production cost of infantry equipment, if they are losing against Chile and Patagonia. Socialist Latvia no longer gets +5 organisation per hour from their national spirit. Austria will now prioritise the Decentralised Scheme while at peace. Added unique Japanese names for territories in Africa and the Pacific Islands. Austria now sends volunteers to Lombardy and Venice when they are at war with the SRI. Adjusted the AI factors for completing some New England national focuses. Restoring cores on the US states now uses compliance and resistance mechanics. Russia can now core Ashkhabad, Batumi, Bessarabia, Cernauti, Kars, Lww, Sakhalin, Stanislawow, Transcarpathia, Tuva, Viipuri and all the Karelian states. Fixed Armenia remained a vilayet after the defeat of the Ottomans. Added starting popularity for totalist Wallonia. It will be in a following patch. Zhang Zuolins prior refusal to denounce the concessions is now represented during the unification conference. Applied balance changes to the War in the Southern Cone. Using one of the decisions to unite Italy will now break the balance in Italy, insofar as the restrictions on joining factions go. Simplified events for Germany-in-Exile joining the Entente. The South African Federation and Southern Rhodesia can now join the Entente after winning the Boer War if the Entente abandoned them. Updated AI factors for the conscription laws. Fixed Belgiums Albert and Leopold being in two places at once. Added ownership checks to South Africa's Botswana foci. Fixed a broken Sichuan division template. Slightly adjusted the layout of Somalias national focuses. When American demands Hawaii be re-annexed, Hawaiis faction leader now has a say. Continuing the tradition of last patch, this is a slightly smaller update but coming to you far sooner than you might have expected. Kenya and Nigeria are now remilitarised when Mittelafrika collapses. Fixed an instance of Kemal staying around after he has died. Added the vanilla Promises of Peace decisions to all countries. Fixed the Ottomans joining a faction while already leading one. Fixed a South African general image not appearing. Fixed Croatias rebellion attempting to spawn troops on states belonging to the Socialist Republic of Italy. Fixed Lucjan eligowski not transferring correctly from Lithuania to Poland. Fixed Centroamerica being formable if all nations in Central America are independent, but on a non-Centroamerican faction. If Bulgaria goes SocDem or MarkLib after the Balkan War, the possibility of an Absolutist or Narrow Socialist coup is now triggered by a separate event, and this is under player control (no more relying on RNG for it to occur). Fixed Karl Albrechts portrait not appearing. Fixed the formation of Andesia requiring the wrong state. Bhutans AI will now actually use its decisions. Changed the generic portrait used for Ecuadors Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola. Increased the number of starting divisions for the Combined Syndicates. Reworked the Siamese surrender's peace events. Fixed Denmarks Vilhelm Buhl not being created correctly after Stauning's death. Fixed Reginald Hildyard not correctly becoming Field Marshal in the West Indies Federation. Countries supported by Canada will no longer refuse volunteers. Fixed Sichuan not being able to complete Tie Loose Ends if allied to Liangguang/Yunnan. The bug that prevented the peace conference AI from working properly in 0.13.2 has been fixed. The Austrian Empire is now called the Empire of Austria, and if puppeted will become Austria, led by a generic. The Korean Revolt and Puppet Monarchy have been removed. The French naval OOB no longer spawns the entire fleet in one port. Added extra railroads and supply nodes to Central Asia, to improve the poor supply availability. Fixed a lot of the Latvian tech description mistranslations. Marginalising the Parti Social Franais before reconquering the Mtropole as the French Republic now makes Paul Reynaud the Second in Command, rather than the Assemble Nationale. Portugal now starts with claims on its colonies. Fixed many potential cases of removing advisor roles accidentally causing crashes to desktop. Fengtians national focus to Begin the War of National Reclamation is now available at the beginning of the game, and with less of a duration, but with conditions. Added Learned Hand as an advisor for New England. For Sweden, the event which features Gyllenkrok dying will now fire immediately, so that he does not appear to lead the country while already being dead. Added a couple of missing operative mission modifier text entries. Fixed the Bharatiya Communes foreign policy game rule to align with Iran. Buffed the effects of several Commune of France military national foci. Added douard Peisson as an admiral for the Commune of France. Fixed the individual Centroamerica annexations not appearing. President Dmitriy will no longer be immortal if the Second Russian Civil War is ongoing. Fixed Northern Ireland being unable to join the Entente, despite both being at war with the Internationale. Fixed Andesia requiring the wrong Venezuelan state. Its time for Beta 0.12! Fixed several incorrectly-sized terrain images. Fixed the Ottomans releasing Tripoli despite not owning it. Fixed a number of decentralist Ottoman Empire tooltips showing up for the Kemalists. Occupied Alfld event for Romania is a bit less frequent. Fixed Fengtian not receiving Ma Zhanshan when he defects to them. Fixed the player being able to break Swedens content by not clicking the Black Monday event. Fixed the Political Loyalty Army Spirit using the party popularity stability modifier. Peru now loses its core on Pastaza if they peace out with Ecuador. Fixed a Yunnan focus not accounting for the exiled Federalists, Fixed a wrong scope error in the UK files, Fixed and optimised a bunch of EGY-ETH rivalry events, increased AI CAN emphasis on suppressing Quebec, Fixed and improved the SAF-ENT peace deal, Riga now checks if it can actually declare war on Latvia in its focus, Canada can no longer get the Fate of New England, Fixed the spawns of the Romanian legionary volunteers, Belgium's AT ideas now give piercing boni instead, Yunnan's demand events now keep the original government when puppeting Hunan, MYS core is removed from Malabar Coast once the PRF revolt is done, Fixed an ANQ flag not being cleared and breaking the Conference event, Fixed a Greek focus not accounting for the Dodecanese and Cyprus, Fixed Edwin Barclay's portrait being overwritten by vanilla's, Fixed a broken failsafe in the LEP Move Quickly missions, Fixed GXC not being able to declare war on FNG, Fixed original United Front member countries leaving the alliance, Fixed a post-war CSA event firing mid-ACW, Some rebalancing of the MAF building slots. The Left Kuomintang can now join the Phalanstre. Greek Election (expanded current options), Italian Republic (expanded current options), Left Kuomintang: Zhang Fakui, Li Jishen, Ye Ting, Xu Xiangqian, Wang Yaowu, Su Yu, He Zhongan, Poland: Alexander II, Jzef Chaciski, Jerzy Czeszejko-Sochacki, Leah Feldman, Wadysaw Grabski, Wojciech Korfanty, Jan Wonicki, Kazimierz Zakrzewski, Zygmunt Zaremba, New National Focus icons for the Left Kuomintang and Poland. Fixed Bolivia paying infinite war reparations to Paraguay. Chinese army reform is now represented by national spirits. Germany-in-Exile now inherits the Germany intelligence agency upgrades. Romania's Iron Guard content expanded, especially the middle Legionary tree. Existing Mittelafrikan revolters now peace out with the Reichspakt when Mittelafrika falls apart. Bohemia is now led by Alois Podhajsky at game start. Outside of using Game Rules, wargoals can no longer be justified before the Second Weltkrieg. Fixed New Zealands republican flag being applied to the wrong country. Uruguay's AI should now prioritise removing the Black Monday debuff. Fixed socialist Ireland joining the Reichspakt. Added a unique train set for German East Asia. Poland can no longer seize Prussia from a Germany that doesn't control it (they'll just declare war instead). Latvia can now form the Baltic Last Stand faction with Lithuania instead of Estonia. Updated the Argentine Five Year Plan to construct railways. Is there any command I can use to just reverse the results afterwards? Yunnan now loses its claims on China if couped by Long Yun. Fixed Swedens socialist congress not calculating the different factions correctly. Fixed Russia not being able to declare war on Poland via focus if Poland annexed Lithuania. Fixed Manchuria promoting Guan Xiangying to a leader when they dont have him. Kaiserreich USA / Characters - TV Tropes Yang Yuting or Tang Shaoyi-led Fengtian can now properly take pro-Japanese focuses if they're released as a puppet by Japan. This does mean that some countries will appear not to change name, due to their name in this other file being called up after. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vi3LO35TxQ, https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/hoi4-husky-1-9-1-beta-hotfix-checksum-2628-not-for-problem-reports.1342931/, https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/kaiserreich-download.1141575/, https://kaiserreich.fandom.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_the_HoI4_Launcher. Fixed the anglophone Entente countries being unable to support Northern Irelands rebellion. Russia - requesting Bessarabia from the puppet of a faction member, Ukraine - claiming states in Kuban, if at war with their owner, Improved National Spirit icons for the American Civil War participants, Removed a non-existent mountain range in Cyrenaica, Fixed several incorrect Victory Point locations. The Spanish Civil War will now always occur, unless bypassed in Game Rules. Gave a military factory to Kumul in their industrial tree. Dutch East Indies will now turn into an exiled Netherlands, if the latter is annexed by someone else. Fixed a player-lead Costa Rica being annexed by Centroamerica. Fixed Paraguay not being able to attack Brazil. Rebalanced the generic political decisions available to all countries. Democratic Centroamerica no longer can elect RadSocs. Fixed Bulgaria losing the Turkish Minority Autonomy state modifiers. Fixed the Ma Clique being annexed to Shanxi after losing the Northwest War even if they joined a faction. Scotland and Wales now inherit the technology of the Union of Britain, when they are released. German East Asia must now not control any of its major states for Germanys treaty with Japan to fire. Fixed the Austro-Italian peace not firing, even if Austria capitulates. Fixed Nguyen Son not moving correctly between Indochina and the Left Kuomintang. Added a warning to the Republican path for Serbia, that when they form Yugoslavia with too much NatPop popularity, they will get Nation of the Three Tribes focus tree instead of United States of Yugoslavia. MacArthur is now more likely to give up power if the ceasefire has happened. Added a description for Canadas Prince Albert. Added "Mahutny Boa (Mighty God)", "U Muarach (In the Thickets)", "Vajacki Mar (March of the Warriors)", "Za Sluynu! Not sure if set_ruling_party boosts the ideology on it's own. Fixed the loc for MacArthur restoring the Vice President when he fled to the Pacific States. Added new loading quotes by Tom Mann & Wilhelm Reich. Fixed a royalist Serbian event increasing the wrong party popularity. Albania now follows its guarantor into and out of factions, should their guarantor subsequently join or leave one. Syndicalist coup can no longer occur in a capitulated Australasia. Improved the logic for the unit limit calculations. Australasia's naval focus names now account for the possibility of it no longer being monarchist. Anatolian Kurdistans NatPop leader is changed from Selahaddin Efendi to Ali Riza Firat. Fixed Arslan couping an Endeavour Front Ottoman Empire. Increased Russias starting number of planes. Changed Harold Huston Georges Chief of Air Force trait for New England. Halved the time it takes for Muscat to seek a guarantee. Certain Polish national foci are now locked behind the Renegotiate Economic Treaties national focus. West Indies Federation RadSoc ministers now have the correct ideology. Fixed Korean army national spirits giving ten times their intended effect. Socialist Republic of Italy now starts with three more dockyards. New flags for Bechuanaland, British West Africa, Mozambique and Sardinian-unified Italy. Fixed Germany sometimes neglecting the Western Front. Fixed Ottoman authority level effects not correctly show their tooltips. Germany no longer cedes the Suez Canal automatically when they decide to resist Egyptian demands. Effects of the Ottoman stability of the realm modifier slightly reduced: Costs and effects of Ottoman state interactions slightly reduced: Now also adds supportive deputies to the Ottoman parliament. Fixed the Serbian aeroplane purchase event resulting in a lockout. Shanxis Fengs Bloodless Coup decision now includes a dynamic description telling the player whether they have enough military and governmental support. Fixed the Netherlands keeping its claims on Suriname when becoming socialist. Fixed the Netherlands not being granted Dunkirk alongside Flanders. Fixed Donau-Adriabund Poland being able to declare war on Germany without consequence during the Weltkrieg, via justifying on another Reichspakt member or a country guaranteed by Germany. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth can no longer trigger a German-Austrian war. The R-KMT now moves its capital to Beijing upon forming the Republic. We believe we have identified, and fixed, the cause of some of the issues, though not all. Fixed Gandhi remaining in power in the Dominion of India elections. Fixed Canadas Prince Henry not having the exile trait. Added Basque/Catalan/Spanish endonyms for Labourd and Roussillon. Whereas a complete country requires the chosen tag to be declared in the vanilla file in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/country_tags, a cosmetic tag is completely dynamic in this sense and scripting the tag is not required.The tag is also not required to be of 3 characters, but spaces should . The Intermarium decisions now cancel upon Russian Socialist Republic being defeated. Tried to improve the flow of the United Front code. Fixed a syndicalist victory in the 1941 FRA elections not changing the HoS. The Fading Sun has been redone to use normal peace conference mechanics. Fixed East Turkestan sending officers to train with the Ottomans, while at war with them. Lithuania's Cultural Autonomies national focus is now available to the RadSocs. New industrial development decision for Chile. Independent Chinese splinters are either claimants to the government of China, or unaligned cliques. Fixed some problems with the Guatemalan search filter. A significant rebalance of the League War, including unit limits, equipment changes, and AI tweaks. CSAs wartime focuses now bypass if the ACW is over. South Africa - new military trees, quality of life improvements. Socialist Russia now forms its own temporary faction (the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale) with any syndicalist neighbours, and will only fully join the Third Internationale after Germany is defeated. Fixed the Italian Republics The Italian Republic national spirit icon. Fixed a Japanese event causing TRM to annex Russia mid-war. Fixed Paraguay attacking Argentina twice. Fixed anachronistic naming for Chaiyaburi. Added news events for the Fall of Tsaritsyn and Yekaterinburg. Fixed members of the Sarajevo Accord being unable to join the Vienna Circle. Fixed Armenia getting locked into the Moscow Accord for the AutDem path, via national focus bypassing. For the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, countries that turn socialist now refute the Port Said Convention. Made the Order of Battle of Portugal clearer. Monarchist Bulgarian-lead Yugoslavia is now known as the Tsardom of Yugoslavia, rather than Kingdom. Fixed the Shan annexation insta-cancelling. Tweaked the debuff in Yunnans Oversized Army national spirit, to stop the AI from trying to save up 1200pp to hire an army advisor. I'm a big fan of Kaiserreich, and I love to play as my home country, Brasil, but I can't help but point out how bad their Totalist tree is. Fixed the Basque annexation event not firing. This has meant weve been able to take a little bit longer with this patch and get more fixes in than we otherwise would. Improved the AI so that countries with lower manpower will not adopt the Mass Assault doctrine. Fixed independent JBS being re-puppeted to OTT. Fixed the Lanark state not counting as home territory for the Union of Britain. Ideologies grant different restrictions and features to the player, and inter or domestic ideological interactions are available. add_equipment [amount] [name] - Add a specified amount of a selected equipment type to your national . The event for the Ukrainian embargo on Germany will now not fire if they are at war. The least elegant but still effective and fastest way to change the views of the ruling party is to enter the right command. The endonym/exonym game rule has been removed. Russias Savinkov will now choose randomly between going Expansionist or Realpolitik, with the former more likely. Fixed a broken manpower modifier for the French Republic. Tweaked Germanys naval AI for it to avoid the English Channel if the British fleet is stronger than the German. Fixed the New England resistance scripted graphical user interface breaking Wavering Momentum national spirit. Morocco's naval focuses now give naval experience instead of political power. Fixed the Reichspakt thinking Poland is an enemy. Added March Taharn Khong Chart (National Military March) to Siam. Tweaked the Commune of Frances AI with frontlines and defending against invasions. Fixed the AI not recognising the Bulgarian-Ottoman alliance, and a missing tooltip. Austria can now join the Weltkrieg against Russia if bordering them through an allied Poland. Fixed Poland getting the SocCon republic coup after already turning socialist.

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hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich