what happened to malchus after jesus healed his ear

(The servant's name was Malchus.) Why do so many prefer living under the shadow of a formal religion like that of Caiaphas? I think it expands, and contributes to, the effort in honouring Thomas that we with Lukasz originally had in mind with this volume. Tags: Gospel of John, Malchus. Id be interested to know why you thought this site is about debunking Christianity. rooted in Pauls Christology, is Greco-Roman cultic documentation. For I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will If the arresting party was hoping toreason with Jesus and get him to avoid causing a stir during the feast that might draw in Roman troops, or if they were hoping at worst to lock him away until after Passover, they may well have been trying to avoid an eruption of violence, even when provoked. The servant's name was Malchus. And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. Did Pilate know that during the arrest of Jesus, Jesus healed Malchus' ear? What you make of those passages will depend on your view of Acts. Best Answer. He had the power to escape but the purpose to stay. The servant's name was Malchus" (John 18:10). Jesus has the divine power to zap everyone but he is in control and has chosen to die instead. plot to silence the Teacher. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/exploringourmatrix/2014/09/an-interpolation-in-1-thessalonians.html#comment-1598470837. A faithful priest, we are told elsewhere, had to be able to have compassion on the ignorant and on them that are out of the way (Heb. case in vendita gaeta vista mare what happened to malchus after jesus healed his ear Fact or fiction, the personal prominence and apostolic leadership of Peter runs through the first five books of the NT. This is a twist showing the highest of one kingdom going after another but, we are alien to this world. I couldnt remember what that tour guides interpretation of it was. grievous bodily harm, and, of course, (you should imagine a chorus of policemen saying this ). He must get The servant's name was Malchus. help you, Malchus?". The point is obvious, I guess, but to exclude Paul from a literature search for uses of messiah, on the ground that he is a Christian not a Jewish writer, is a purely religious judgment (shared by later Jews and Christians) not a scientific one. have gathered to try him.". He lunged towards the group and aimed for the head of one of them. 12 What is the meaning of Luke 22 38? I've always been fascinated by the story of Peter cutting off the ear of the servant of the high priest. Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? he asks. find better evidence that he absorbed the religious climate of his His ear is whole, the bleeding stopped, only his They find Jesus and his disciples at the perfume garden. And one of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear. most powerful Jew in Israel. ", "Here I give an admittedly subjective short list, in random order, of useful, high level and regularly updated weblogs on the study of the Old Testament . "Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must And when he had touched his ear, he healed him (Luke 22:50-51). I think it was the word musings on Biblical studies, etc. The details are adequately explained within the literary and theological interests of the evangelist. Of course I am not the 1st to think such a wild thought. been influenced by Philo, or another public writer Two of the three disciples who were with Jesus and fell asleep during Jesus' agony in Gathsemane were ____________ . Matthew 26:51-54. ahhhhnow I see, I must have slept through it the first time, Thank You Angela.Youve shown me there are a few TRUE SAINTS leftThanks. mystery schools and cults; it is fair to poke at my thoughts NET Bible. Luke 22 is the only gospel that records the . Please see the Tour and the Help. Doubting an Oral Tradition behind the Gospels: The Parables, Why Christianity Happened The Secular Approach, 2, Book of Revelation Annotated List of Posts, Daniel Gullottas Review of Richard Carriers, Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son (Levenson), Ending of the Gospel of Mark (16:8) ANNOTATED INDEX, Genre of Gospels, Acts and OT Primary History: INDEX, Historical Methods (with reference to the study of Christian Origins/Historicity of Jesus), Plato and the Biblical Creation Accounts (Gmirkin), Thanks, but sadly no. Do you think that Hi and welcome to our site. Meanwhile, others who have read ahead just a little, even as far as verse 36, have found this: 36Jesus said, My kingdom is not of this world. Pauls raw data is or iChing sticks, casting them does not bring up the He clutches at his head to stop the The ear was 'cut off'. This pictures what Christs work on the cross would be like. We take note of the many enemies who threaten us; we become very anxious and perhaps even angry when we see the cause of evil advancing. I refer to your site frequently as yet more names and publications pop up requiring an academic critique and helpful recommendations for book purchases. 10:4). Then, if the stories don't align, I will pursue asking a third-party, an eyewitness who can substantiate the claims (much like the contemporaries of Luke who were eyewitnesses to all Jesus said and did). Anyone who reads my blog regularly knows that I do not consider the mythicists who actually participate in the scholarly process to be pseudoscholars. I simply judge them to be unpersuasive. pete it isnt clear why you are so anxious to acquire documents in Aramaic, which as the so-called lingua franca of the west of the Persian empire, has a position *exactly* symmetrical to that of Greek under the later eastern Roman imperium over much of the same terrain. Data speaks, and gives us observations. If Paul is essentially a Hellenized Jew, or de-facto Greek, and we This High Priest, whose hands will soon be bound, will use His hands one last time to show kindness to an enemy. He rashly cut off the right ear of Malchus, a servant of the high priest, prompting Jesus to restore the man's ear miraculously. Do not put this on a website. . I have posted here criticisms of religion, in particular of fundamentalism, as well as encouragements for those who have been through the negative experiences to embrace the benefits of their religious experiences, too. Holy Guardian Angel, keep far from me all distracting thoughts; my patron saint, come to my assistance. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? ", "Thanks for your very elaborate review! At the same time He was a merciful High Priest towards Malchus. Grace: Favor for the Undeserving. Could Plato Really have Influenced Judaism and the Bible? -- all of it. for in many places they are convicted of discordance. ", "Note that I do not use the term amateur pejoratively. From most posts, it was obvious this was not a religious site, per se. I resemble that remark.u. Malchus reaches up to feel his head. Just before his action, he had asked Christ, Lord, shall we strike with the sword? However, he did not wait for an answer (Luke 22:49-50). According to the Bible, one of the disciples, Simon Peter, being armed with a sword, cut off the servant's ear in an attempt to prevent the arrest of Jesus. . . The rest of the day is a blur. But he chose instead to perform a miracle to help someone else, which is . But Jesus answered and said, "Permit even this." reflects Malchus. However, as he follows orders and joins the group heading to arrest Jesus, he somehow . I went to my local university library to look for this they dont have it (yet) and found, There is very intriguing work progressing with historical-critical analysis of early Islam. Now that makes excellent poetic sense to me. Based on Pauls epistles, I dont see an obedient, That may be very difficult to accept (a Christian who hurts others deliberately), but what is astounding is how the Lord Himself responded: By correcting His disciple, and by healing Malchus' ear. His touch tenderly yet powerfully restored the tissues, muscles, and nerves, bringing healing to Malchus. An ", "Neil, Youve done a clean job in your posting on Jesus the Healer. Your answer contradicts the text which the Questioner stated. They cart the lot down to the nick. The raw material of the story was quite likely borrowed from the Gospel of Mark and the fourth evangelist has elaborated it a little to adapt it to his own theme. blood. . The healing of Malchuss ear is the last miracle Christ performed as part of His earthly ministry before His death. Does that mean that one is lying, or could it mean they are less detailed? This was Jesus' last recorded miracle prior to his resurrection. Foolishly thinking they were superior-minded to Christ and His disciples, these mens actions will forever be a shameful tribute to unbelief (Romans 1:18-22). . Hellenism is the proper term for how various cultures I realize this is site is about debunking Christianity, but as Stuart Chase so aptly put it For those who believe, no proof is necessary; for those who dont, no proof is possible.. This is easy to see when reading Mark's version of the story (Mk 14:47-50). When Jesus healed the ear of Malchus, he healed a wound that had been inflicted by one of his own disciples. conversed one with another, and then they speak all things as it were They bound him 13and brought him first to Annas, who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest that year. Jesus was trying to tell us the true Father has no limits. True, it was not Jesus who cut off the man's ear but, do you really believe that they would have not held Jesus responsible for the event? This is for Jews only. Comment: Christ worked this miracle in the same moment that He was submitting to His cruel enemies. is founded on biased, weak analysis of comparative religion. I did not intend to write such a long comment, but I think I can reel Demigods, Violence and Flood in Plato and Genesis [Biblical Creation Accounts/Platos Timaeus-Critias 7c], Primeval History from Cain to Noah [Biblical Creation Accounts/Platos Timaeus-Critias 7b], The Ambiguity of the Serpent: Greek versus Biblical, The Biblical Cain and his Greek Counterparts, Garden of Eden : Mesopotamian Perspectives, The Garden of Eden [Biblical Creation Accounts/Platos Timaeus-Critias 7a], The Second Creation Story in Genesis [Biblical Creation Accounts/Platos Timaeus 6], Inside the Pentecostal Christians Mind #1, Charbonnel: Jesus Christ sublime figure de papier. specific to this discussion are interwoven with each other? If you dont trust it, I would think that the natural default is to think that he was just another Palestinian Jew characteristic of the period, like Josephus. Jesus picked up the ear and healed Malchus, rebuking Peter for his misplaced zeal. Free Josephus and other data. . Jesus healed the ear without having to reattach or regrow it, meaning that the man had a wound that healed and stopped bleeding. You are right to say that Pauls personality cannot I can hazard guesses like anyone else but thats all theyll be. Only John mentions Peter by name as the disciple who had drawn his sword and wounded Malchus. John 18:10: Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant and cut off his right ear. The drive to please his master is gone. Such unbelievers should be ushered into the Lord, and such Christians need to grow in the love of God. pre-exilic Davidic forms derived from a Mosaic base, 11 Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it? I dont really care whether he was or wasnt; my thought was more like this: that he might as well have been, for all you can tell from the generally received letters. Peter couldnt be left to himself for one moment. If you think that is the way you will be protected, then you are wrong. Then they arrest them all on charges of, conspiracy, 18 clears up what happens when we trade religion, for a relationship with the Father. If any Christian thinks he has problems sufficient to exempt him from serving God, he had better be sure his problems are greater than those that faced our Savior at the time of this miracle. It is not our world. When he ventures out of the temple (The servants name was Malchus.). Some chose to continue serving and by doing so, their right ear was pierced to signify this man was the property of Mr X. His concept is not so far anyway from the messiah, son of David, of the later rabbinical tradition where are they getting that stuff from? But the Scriptures must be fulfilled.. In this depiction, Jesus heals Malchus' wounded ear, leaving the latter to stay behind sitting dumbfounded in a state of disbelief, suggesting a possible conversion to Christianity. . (The Garden of Gethsemane grew flowers for perfume production.). into Jerusalem proper, people who know of him treat him with The attack on the high priests servant was a vicarious attack on the high priest, rendering him unfit for the office. Its the same reason why Luke didnt include the visit of the Magi. ", "I still wonder at all the material you turn out for Vridar. Other modules in . When it is wielded with the blessing of the Spirit, it does indeed wound, but from heaven the Son of God heals spiritually . (If you're a human, don't change the following field). "Very good. Below is a partial list of miracles that Jesus performed during his ministry, as recorded in the New Testament of the Bible. It would make more sense to me since the zealots were already an agressive band of rebels rather than Simon Peter (although impetuous) a mere fisherman. If the Gospels are generally supposed as history, then one would think that a Amazing words to this slave. even that discordance which seems to exist in little matters delivers Im so glad youre helping to spread these ideas! But Jesus answered, "No more of this!" And he touched the man's ear and healed him. I thought you were the one occasional voice of sanity on his blog. In Luke 8, why didn't Christ instruct the woman to appear before the priest? Malchus, whose name means "king" according to Bible dictionaries, was the servant of the high priest who said that it would be best for Christ to die for all (see John 18:13-14). There can be no doubt that his views on all things are much closer to those of saints of the later rabbinical tradition like Gamaliel than to those prevailing in the Alexandrian avant garde. a role which is not exclusive to only one person, then Oh well. The blood and the sword are stage props. . Yes, the rhetoric through and through, especially in Johns gospel, belies any intent to incorporate historical traditions. Yet, amid all of this, Jesus chose to show mercy to His captors and to glorify His Father by submitting to His will. I bet he heard twice as good after that. Strange words! Malchus, yes everything if you dig has meaning, as his name did. While we could look at some spiritual and symbolical implications regarding his ear, Malchus' experience tells us something else: That he lost his ear by the hand of a disciple of Christ. time he stares at his ear in the mirror. In what was to be an eventful night in the Garden of Gethsemane, a prayerful Jesus, in great agony, was speaking to His disciples when He was confronted by a multitude with swords and torches. If ever there was a situation that justified a little self-focus, one would think it would have been this time. Lately, he has been dispatched to learn about Jesus, prophet Jesus Christ exhibited great power ( John 18:6) and mercy ( Luke 22:51) when He restored the ear of Malchus, a servant of the high priest who had come to arrest Him in the Garden of Gethsemane. Pete, Im not sure I follow you. I fear To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Your clarity of expression, fair comments and personal insights are much valued. Malchus' story is found in all four Gospels. But now my kingdom is from another place.. ", "These reviews of yours are so bloody weird! What happened to malchus? yourself have a strong idea of what I am talking about. Nay, this very One can hope! shadows among the gnarled olive trees. Inthe land of Laputa modern-day inhabitants contemplate the deep mysteries hidden in the incident of Peter cutting off the right ear of the servant of the high priest and what such a very strange event could possibly meanfor the reconstruction of the life of the historical Jesus and the origins of Christianity. ", "Many thanks for this post, and for the quality of your blog. Luke Chapter 22. How many wonders did the Lord not do in our lives, including in our physical bodies? . Simon Peter had just cut off the ear of Malchus, (High Priest's Slave) one of the soldiers who had come to arrest Jesus. Had they truly known Him and the truth He brought, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory (I Corinthians 2:8). time Malchus arrives on the hilltop, Jesus is hanging from a But the crowd has moved on now, torchlight diminishing, voices receding. is applied in a political context? Using Kolmogorov complexity to measure difficulty of problems? ", Mary Booker, February 2020 (personal email). At the end of his servitude (or slavery) he was given the choice to be free or to serve his master until he died. This is not the time for fighting. of spiritualities, mutating each other into new forms which creates So how was Jesus able to heal Malchus, the servant of the high priest, after his right ear was cut off (read Luke 22:50-51)? https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-27418862/documents/ace42f3179ec40e3944ba90deac4f5db/Introducing%20Inarah%20v8.pdf Your work and that of Wajdenbaum, Niesiolowski-Span,, I wouldnt make too much of it. All rights reserved. Jesus must be numbered with the transgressors. ", "Neil, for what it is worth it is obvious to me that if you had earlier in life tracked into a graduate program at one of the worlds leading research universities you would be one of the worlds formidable ones. Luke 5:17 - the power of the Lord was present for Him to perform healing. Christ had just said in Peters hearing: Let these go their way (John 18:8). What is this? It was me wot sold the pork sausages to the High Priests cook. vengeful, so petty, so filled with hatred. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. The servant of the high priest lost his entire right ear when Peter swung in his direction! Some people in the Bible might have had short appearances only, but their short appearances still give us some great lessons to learn and apply in our own lives. Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it, and struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. But the crowd has moved on now, torchlight diminishing, voices Could it be that along with the great company of priests who became obedient to the faith (Acts 6:7), Malchus came into the early assembly of the church? John tells us 50 years later which might indicate that he was part of the early church. "No more of this!" Jesus immediately responded as He touched the bloody wound and the ear was healed (Luke 22). Yes, I need deeper understanding of semitic/oriental ", "I find your blog most interesting and appreciate your ongoing effort to keep to the evidence for the issues discussed! It doesn't make sense. But now my kingdom is from another place., Now that makes it look to me very much as if the incident of Malchuss ear has theliterary function of demonstrating Jesus message before Pilate: Jesus has commanded his disciples NOT to fight. For other uses, see. This healing was the last miracle that Jesus performed before going to the cross to sacrifice himself for the sins of the world, the Bible says. Why is the healing of Malchus ear only found in the Gospel of Luke? Thus, Mark (and maybe Matt too) doesn't record the healing of the ear, because he doesn't want it to take away from his "final" healing of blindness symbolized back in ch10. Peter, who cut off Malchus' ear, had a history of impulsive behavior. If so, how close was it? Even though the incident of the servant's ear being cut off is recorded in all four gospels, Matthew 26:51; Mark 14:47; Luke 22:51; and John 18:10-11; the servant and the disciple are named as Malchus and Simon Peter only in John. Luke was making a legal case that was deliberately selective so as to win influence. The following two tabs change content below. Why the right ear? he pours out his agony and begs forgiveness. authority over them," Jesus is saying now. So we see that Jesus wasn't approving of what Peter did. Why were essential cult texts not written in Aramaic, preserved Temple Judaism, and later arguments of rabbinical sects. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/exploringourmatrix/2012/01/history-is-to-mythicism-and-science-is-to-creationism-as-mcdonalds-is-to.html. movement that spoke Aramaic, clearly purposed for the Peter was again putting his actions into play before thinking of the consequences. Compare and contrast both lines of service. Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! God is the head. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? The arrest did not take Jesus by surprise. In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Annas is: One who answers; humble. There is a significance of specifying the right ear. out of one mouth, this becomes a very great demonstration of the (presupposing a lost source text), then it seems to me that the Jewish leaders As reigning high Receiving no help from His disciples in prayer, the Savior accepted the cup of His Father and prepared to meet the power of darkness. Torah carrying Jew, but someone who may have Finally, Christs captors took Him into custody despite being witnesses to the greatest Source of knowledge and truth ever manifested on earth. Malchus rises. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. "And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. But in the past he has called mythicism a form of pseudoscholarship., http://www.patheos.com/blogs/exploringourmatrix/2014/07/scholarship-and-blogging.html. They wanted to keep people from knowing the truth. Those files appear to be taken from archive.org where I accessed what appeared to be, Are these any better? Mark is giving readers alternating images of Jesus the slave and the rebels against Rome. (Except in John, which has the riot in the wrong place. 50 And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. Perhaps there was even a real clash of swords for a moment and maybe others were even killed but the evangelist didnt want to let anyone think the disciples were that bad so he minimized the damage done in his narrative. The Man with One Ear. One disciple flashes a What have I done to this kind, gentle man? JOHN 18:10 10 Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus. David, I think there is a sense where are true both the sentences: cross, his body and face mutilated almost beyond recognition. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? Despite this miraculous demonstration, the band of men who came with Malchus proceeded to apprehend Jesus, while the disciples fled in fear, refusing to . They arrest Jesus. Berean Study Bible. be your slave, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?. Blood is pouring down his neck, continues. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. As far as I am concerned, this episode screams fiction more loudly than anything else. Here is a nice opportunity to do some source criticism, given the elements that are the same and those that are different. All of this is symbolized very well in the story by Luke, who is an excellent writer. 7Again he asked them, Who is it you want?, 8Jesus answered, I told you that I am he. But the contrary, it may be said, has come to pass, 48 And Jesus said to them, . Please click here to learn how. The story of the Garden of Gethsemane can be found in Matthew 26:36-56, Mark 14:32-52, Luke 22:39-53, and John 18. And isnt there some more meaning that can be looked into? servant Malchus. Musings on biblical studies, politics, religion, ethics, human nature, tidbits from science. But I have often been impressed with their grasp of logic and analysis of scholarship. 50 And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?". If you have not already done so, please take the, (+1) Hi Jessica, welcome to BHSE! Registered in England and Wales 5090917, Christian Today, International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN, Evangelical church redirects payments after CofE gay blessing vote, Evangelical church pursues alternative oversight after CofE same-sex blessing vote. So Peter cut his ear off, yet Jesus healed him. You are spot on. Jesus' words flood back, " To seek and save the They bound him 13 and brought him first to . As the disciples were sleeping, a mob including soldiers and slaves approached, led by one of Jesus' own disciples, Judas. @RoHa that kind of makes sense that Peter would be allowed to watch his Masters humiliation. 11 Jesus commanded Peter, "Put your sword away! Learn how your comment data is processed. The one occasional voice of sanity? And what we know reveals that the story of the arrest of Jesus is fiction, and piss-poor fiction at that. So Malchus befriends Jesus healed the ear without having to reattach or regrow it, meaning that the man had a wound that healed and stopped bleeding. Is it not more likely that the incident reflects something that actually happened, and the oddities of the story reflect an attempt to reinterpret the event? Sometimes they will also give a different bent to the same story. Its sufficient to see Peter as icon of true Proto-catholics but false Judeo-Christians, i.e. southern kingdom, is valuable to me. As the men seized Jesus and arrested him, Peter pulled out his sword and struck the servant of the high priest, a man named Malchus, cutting off his ear. a dynamic background. Now he did what he shouldnt have done. The ear is there -- all of it. Mark doesn't mention it, because it's not part of his bigger theme he wants his readers to learn. (comment by JFM). Literal Standard Version. How do we know his name is Malchus? A lot of respected scholars are only, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, http://www.patheos.com/blogs/exploringourmatrix/2014/09/an-interpolation-in-1-thessalonians.html#comment-1598470837, http://www.patheos.com/blogs/exploringourmatrix/2014/09/defining-pseudoscholarship.html#comment-1609316537, https://vridar.org/2020/03/05/the-gospel-of-mark-as-a-dramatic-performance/, https://earlywritings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=145080#p145080. How can one be a legitimate scholar of an illegitimate subject? This servant, Malchus, is named in John's Gospel, although he is unknown to us. the narrow streets to Golgotha, just outside the city. Disciples rebuked: Matthew, Luke, John. . According to the Bible, one of the disciples, Simon Peter, being armed with a sword, cut off the servant's ear in an attempt to prevent the arrest of Jesus. When the Lord opens our eyes, we can see how much damage we do with our fighting. Is not doing the will of God ever justified? What happened when Peter cut off the ear? 46 And they laid hands on him and seized him. Does he? Our Lord Jesus said at another time they must be taught even when they resist the truth. Homily I on the Gospel According to St. Matthew. of the NTs overall ideology, and Judea is already receptive to cultic Jesus chided him, picked the ear up and miraculously re-attached the soldiers ear. If Jesus really healed the servant of the High Priest, Mark would've mentioned it.

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what happened to malchus after jesus healed his ear