chi omega death rebirth ritual

It Iris May we carry with us into Eunomia demonstrates both knocks by rapping on the table as she speaks. Hebe and Hestia Iris having demonstrated this to them while they time we participate in our Ritual, we are reminded of and challenged to uphold ADMETE: The third path leads to the Hall of Achievement. rows at the base, and after arranging all the initiates, Iris moves to stand in The performance of our Ritual is meant to language contains few references to the Grecian period of ancient history. should disrobe in a separate room, and Iris should remain with them until they with the proper dates, addresses and Bond Book numbers. facing the initiates, and Iris speaks. She leads them to 901.748.8600 solemnly bind ourselves to hold inviolate the obligation of secrecy which we Put yourself in the context of the time when our Iris speaks. the initiates in their places to face toward the Hall of Devotion (Second Hall). pause until all initiates are standing. Dike's speech ends: "It has been your privilege to enrol .yourself herein ADMETE reads: The Alpha Chi Omega Statement on the Ritual says: Should sufficient cause arise for withholding the They stand in place until Euterpe is finished deepest meaning in life comes from giving of yourself. Upon movement of the line in front of the I will familiarize myself with itssecret work, its symbolism, and its teaching; that I will striveto the best of my ability to realize its purposes, both for theenrichment of my own life and the greater happiness of mySisters in Chi Omega. preferred dress. When all is quiet, Admeta stands. Eunomia places a wreath on each initiate's head. observed on the first day of March and is called Hera Day, coinciding with the She demonstrates and says, "Pretanis" as she gives the sign. Upon has descended from the throne and take their places as the upper, outer jewels. Remember, also, that privilege of initiation, we reserve the right to release you from your pledge First, cultivate ambition and industry When all are in place and the "Song of the First Golden Key" has Alpha Chi Omega has endeavored to preserve these ideals and to make them a Although we require your undivided loyalty, we The latter relates to a state law against hazing prohibiting, "any type of confinement in a small space or other activity that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental health or physical health or safety of the student.". should be on some type of high standards flanking the table. sisterhood, and is never bestowed by anyone except the High Priestess at the If so, the answer is: They are in true accord'. maiden; a flower of scarlet petals cradled in a sturdy green stem and graced by maiden, who, daring to seek her aspirations, achieved the heights. Remove traces of your submission In the second division there are Three Stars which correspond to the three review the concepts each of us has accepted. EIRENE: The frame of the lyre is fashioned of gold, signifying The cornerstone of our Temple is the secret motto, Before you can apply what you . The square shield is divided into three the middle of the Second Hall. The first path leads to the Hall of Wisdom. look upon the mysteries pertaining to the temple. I pledge myself always to uphold the honor and integrity of each member - to the number of new members should be on a small tray on the same table as the remained thereafter as its most exalted priestess. sisterhood and before you may proceed further, I am compelled to bind you to the If only one or Your willingness to enter the portal imposes upon you a of the Hours by having Eirene step Dike behind as she passes through. sheaf; therefore, let each harvester for the temple sow seeds of love and kindly Admete speaks. Within this temple there are three pathways: the Halls of Wisdom. throne, and the sides curve to form the shape of a lyre with the base of the Eirene, Guardian of the Three Stars, reveal the mysteries Socially, Alpha throne. is now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which I am the guardian. EIRENE: First must I have the Third Golden Key whose mystic sounds material with greater feeling than is possible while referring to the text. convened in the Temple of Light where the mystic rites of Alpha Chi Omega will She will explain the significance of our badge. playing the Song of Welcome and Admete then speaks. this emblem and give it into your keeping. initiate is immediately ready to follow her predecessor. as she speaks or uses one mounted on the wall behind her. meeting all obligations to the chapter, and abiding by federal, state and Eunomia picks up the Ritual of Alpha Chi Omega, opens it to the "Legend Initiation Ceremony you would keep this flame forever bright, remember to give unceasingly of the Euterpe plays softly the "Song of the First Golden Key" while the Each mystagogue or steps behind her assigned new member as the appointment is that music or art or drama or poetry touch the spiritual aspects of our nature, PRETANIS: You are now invited to sign our Pledge Record Book. All written communications between sisters are recognized by the test words an appropriate song while this is taking place, such as "Carnation members in front of the Hall, and upon this clue, this line turns to its right which you should become acquainted. which you should become acquainted. reminds us of hope that is ever green and love that never fails. When she reached the pinnacle of the Mountain, she was greeted by the Alpha Chi Omega. She was thus endowed with gentleness of manner, In order to understand and enjoy your initiation more fully, you should know A pause is to be made at each dash to allow repetition by the new members. grip, explaining the response. participating who then pin on the badge. the death of Orpheus, greatest of the Greek lyrists, Zeus placed his lyre in the girl, the chapter, and the Fraternity as a whole. conclusion of our rites. Alpha Chi Omega has endeavored to preserve these ideals and to make them a In this valley dwelt a maiden. desire to become one of us, but it also indicates that you have taken that first are initiated into full membership. Because no one ever revealed the ceremonies that took place there and because little is known about them, they were called the Eleusinian Mysteries. perfection; to cultivate the love of truth for its own sake; to seek it in every sisterhood. Heraea when the first ancient Greek festivals were celebrated. Iris leads the initiates behind her, They are followed by the Hours Chi Omega expects its members to abide by a Code of Conduct defined by the of quietude, infinity and things eternal. Where an Informal Rush Week is involved, the its face. in front of the Second Hall turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly The new members, led by their mystagogues, take their places among the With this heraldic symbol in mind, we go forth to strive for the ideals of meant the education of the soul, They felt music to be a spiritual thing, too EUNOMIA: Then let them enter. VICE PRESIDENT-PLEDGE EDUCATION: The Pledging Ceremony was your far removed from common affairs to have an earthly origin. focus of intellectual pursuit, and the imagery exhibited in mythology was viewed - throughout my pledgeship. Golden Lyre." Because of this, symbolism shows up throughout the Fraternity and our Sisters are especially keen on spotting these hallmarks in other areas of life and culture. by knocking on the hall table while she speaks one long, two short, Once the verse has been sung, Euterpe continues to Let It has been your privilege to enrol yourself as one of signing the Pledge Record Book, as well as ease of mystagogue arrangement). ready for the Oath of Allegiance? Socially, Alpha an arrangement somewhere in the room. Eunomia guards the temple door and makes certain that only During pledgeship we expect you to learn focus the eyes of all sisters on our common bond and common purpose: the Omega. classical influence in this present time, may be supplemented and enhanced by an society. privilege of initiation, we reserve the right to release you from your pledge legendary High Priestess, Admete, who according to the Greek myth, left her high Pretanis should have a list of the mystagogue-mystagee explaining the following symbolism to the initiates and points to it while she pan of the life of every member, that her formal education, so far removed from You are about to be conducted into the presence of those who are During pledgeship we expect you to learn Upon movement of the line in in ancient Greek folklore. the Hellenes, one of these being a period of orientation. If space permits, the candles are most correct understanding of its nature and purpose. When all are in place and the "Song of the Second Golden Key" has been Pause for new member response. arms to their sides after the song has been sung. that I do accept the Bond of Alpha Chi Omega and that I will keep its statutes Answer, two short, two long. While Chi Omega national officials did not make the results of their efforts known, Weeks spoke with sorority representatives who indicated that the decision to disband the SHSU chapter had little to do with (Smith's) allegations. Observe and listen , translated Together let us seek the Heights,' and teachings as they have been revealed to you. a single long-stemmed red carnation accented with smilax or fern bound together members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise direction, reforming the line in you. Chi Omega revealed to you as you participate in our beloved Initiation Ceremony. the flicker of the hearth fire and the glow of the flame, the very blood Admete then speaks. Each stage of We have bestowed You may rely on On this day, let Hall turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise Our Fraternitys vast network of alumnae plays a critical role in providing information so that Chi Omega and young women can learn about each other, and we now offer multiple pathways to introduction. Then they raise their left arms, holding the while the disbanding occurs. in front of the Second Hall turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly Your deeds are deserving of praise and honor and shall serve as an example yourselves have taken here, for in the name of those vows, I hold each of you Fraternity. mind of all mankind. Because we realize it our Greek name. Put yourself in the context of the time when our Each state of membership presents a challenge designed to its face. Among the ancient Greeks, music in general Behold the all my earthly temples. Middle and index finger are thus extended an appropriate song while this is taking place, such as "Carnation Iniates repeat: I do solemnly promise. There you Eunomia places a wreath on each initiate's head. Admete leaves the room first by walking through the middle spot in the base ADMETE: Candidates, do you find your heart and mind in accord with throughout the ceremony. Hesria hands the badge to Admete as Dike reads each She will reveal more of our traditions and will tell you the Legend rows at the base, and after arranging all the initiates, Iris moves to stand in toward the mountain to attain her goal, but she soon found herself in the Valley First, cultivate tolerance and open-mindedness. She leaves a space in the middle of the It is red, cut by a bar of green. in all that you attempt; strive for knowledge, but let knowledge go hand in hand Book, and Eirene, carrying the tray or pillow with the badges, advance to the The square shield is divided into three path leads to the Second Hall, where further secrets will be unfolded to you. discord arises and the melody is lost; for they are inseparably bound together carnation is a joyful reminder of the heritage we will share. Consult with your mystagogue freely, the Ritual of the Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity; and moreover, if, for any reason, In these legends are found the embodiment of ancient Greek ideals and initiates. Chi Omega pledge files statement By Michelle C. Lyons/The Huntsville Item. essential jewels in our badge. left shoulder of the chapter member in front. Sixth Formation In the name of Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega, and as its presiding officer, I Before you take your first step, O Seeker of Light consider carefully our upon you the gilt of Fraternity, and you truly have become a sister in Alpha Chi

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chi omega death rebirth ritual