a flight instructor demonstrates their coaching ability by

Successful instructors teach their students not only how, but also why and when. The instructor may want a student to explain something more thoroughly, or may need to bring the discussion back to a point from which it has strayed, In terms of characteristics, questions can be identified as overhead, rhetorical, direct, reverse, and relay. In addition to the necessary steps, the instructor should describe the end result of these efforts. Conditions and criteria should be refined as necessary. Likewise, military pilots use flight training devices or flight simulators to prepare for flying aircraft, such as the A-10, for which there are no two-seat training versions. Unless the students have some knowledge to exchange with each other, they cannot reach the desired learning outcomes by the discussion method. [Figure 4-11] Planning the guided discussion as well as learning how to ask the type of questions used in guided discussions are assets for any aviation instructor, In 1966, the McMaster University School of Medicine in Canada pioneered a new approach to teaching and curriculum design called problem-based learning (PBL). These programs typically allow the students to select a test, complete the questions, and find out how they did on the test. The goal might be a certificate of completion, graduation, or an academic degree. [Figure 4-2] This topic is discussed in detail in Chapter 5, Assessment, While many of the characteristics of effective instructors discussed in the previous paragraphs hold true for any instructor, the aviation instructor has the added responsibility of molding an aviation citizena pilot or maintenance technician the instructor feels confident will be an asset to the rest of the aviation community. Improper pilot decisions cause a significant percentage of all accidents, and the majority of fatal accidents in light single- and twin-engine aircraft. If writing has been previously prepared, it should be covered and then revealed one step at a time, If necessary, use a ruler, compass, or other devices in making drawings, Use the upper part of the board. For example, instead of using many words to describe a sound, object, or function, the instructor plays a recording of the sound, shows a picture of the object, or presents a diagram of the function. Sometimes, in the process of writing the objective, a difficulty is encountered. For example, a student pilot may enroll in a private pilot certificate course, and upon completion of all course requirements, be awarded a graduation certificate. The chalk or marker board is a widely used tool for instructors. The alert reader has already noted that the conditions and criteria changed slightly during the development of these objectives, and that is exactly the way it will occur. The instructor may use an overhead question to pose the lead-off question. The instructor provides the problem to the student, offering only limited assistance as the student solves it, but participating in finding solutions. There are several types of charts that can be used in presenting data such as pie charts, flow charts, and organizational charts, among others. A game gives the learner a stake in the outcome by putting the learner into the shoes of a character (role playing) who needs to overcome a real world scenario. (See Appendix F.) There are many definitions for PBL, but for the purposes of this handbook, it is defined as the type of learning environment in which lessons are structured in such a way as to confront students with problems encountered in real life that force them to reach real world solutions, PBL starts with a carefully constructed problem to which there is no single solution. The height of usable objects is limited to the space between the top of the lowered projection plate and the body of the projector, usually about two or three inches. Decision-based learning objectives and the use of flight training scenarios do not preclude traditional maneuver-based training. The instructor should try to make the students feel that their ideas and active participation are wanted and needed, The instructor opens the discussion by asking one of the prepared lead-off questions. For example, a flight instructor should not rely exclusively on a software program on traffic patterns and landings to do the ground instruction for a student pilot, then expect the student to demonstrate patterns and landings in the aircraft. In flight training, the instructor may allow the student to follow along on the controls during the demonstration of a maneuver. For example, the subsystems within a physical unit are relatively easy to relate to each other through the use of schematics or diagrams. As noted earlier, a PTS already has many of the elements needed to formulate performance-based objectives. Here are examples of responsibilities from real flight instructor resumes representing typical tasks they are likely to perform in their roles. It will be even more significant in the future, Computer technology continues to advance in quantum leaps, challenging traditional ways of teaching. This critique helps the instructor judge the adequacy of supporting materials and visual aids, as well as the presentation. By using a lecture in this way, the instructor can offer students with varied backgrounds a common understanding of essential principles and facts. Certification tests do not represent an entire training syllabus, A broad, overall objective of any pilot training course is to qualify the student to be a competent, efficient, safe pilot for the operation of specific aircraft types under stated conditions. New ideas should not be introduced in the conclusion because at this point they are likely to confuse the students, By organizing the lesson material into a logical format, the instructor maximizes the opportunity for students to retain the desired information. When practical, they should encourage student participation. While there are subtle nuances to the different terms which include computer-assisted learning (CAL), computerassisted instruction (CAI), computer-based training (CBT), and computer-based instruction (CBI), this handbook will use the term "computer-assisted learning" in the following discussion, Computer-assisted learning (CAL) couples the personal computer (PC) with multimedia software to create a training device. Once again, open-ended "what if" problems encourage the students an opportunity to develop HOTS, A case study is a written or oral account of a real world situation that contains a message that educates the student. [Figure 4-17], In practice, the choice of instructional aids depends on several factors. The desired learning outcomes should stem from the objective, Conduct adequate research to become familiar with the topic. Predictions are that more and more learning will take place via e-learning, E-learning is now used for training at many different levels. It is also a good idea at this time to let students know whether or not questions during the lecture are welcomed. making each lesson a pleasurable experience. To encourage enthusiasm and stimulate discussion, the instructor should create a relaxed, informal atmosphere. Participants in a class may be located on different continents, yet share the same teaching experience. The instructor's role is to instill and eventually evaluate the comprehension and ability of the pilot in pursuit of a certification, rating, or license. Learning assessment is another important skill of an effective instructor. For example, the presentation is not designed to replace the instructor. This research has revealed that effective instructors come in many forms, but they generally possess four essential teaching skills: people skills, subject matter expertise, management skills, and assessment skills. For example, in concluding a discussion on density altitude, an instructor might give a fairly complete description of an accident which occurred due to a pilot attempting to take off in an overloaded airplane from a short runway at a high-altitude airport on a hot day, The summary should be succinct, but not incomplete. For these reasons, it is likely to hold the interest of the students, An instructor who is thoroughly prepared or who has made the presentation before can usually speak effectively without notes. An effective instructor uses a combination of teaching methods as well as instructional aids to achieve this goal. That may mean the instructor needs to initiate leading questions, referee if the discussions cause conflict, ensure that all students participate, and at the end summarize what has been learned, Tying the discussion method into the lecture method not only provides active student participation, it also allows students to develop higher order thinking skills (HOTS). It can be a stand-alone software program that takes a learner from lecture to exam or it can be an interactive web-based course of instruction that involves a mixture of mandatory class attendance with e-mail discussions and assignments. The student may then conduct a review of questions missed, Some of the more advanced CAL applications allow students to progress through a series of interactive segments where the presentation varies as a result of their responses. In such cases, it is practical and advisable to give the students a brief general survey of the topic during the introduction. Likewise, it would be unfair to expect a maintenance student to safely and properly perform a compression check on an aircraft engine if the student received only e-learning, Along with the many types of e-learning, there are a variety of terms used to describe the educational use of the computer. The real world problem forces the student to analyze, evaluate, and make decisions about the procedures required, For the flight instructor, a good scenario tells a story that begins with a reason to fly because a pilots decisions differ depending on the motivation to fly. In a typical lesson, an effective instructor normally uses a combination of methods. The instructor should not, however, use substandard English. The instructor can use questions to determine the experience and background of the students in order to tailor the lecture to their needs, and/or to add variety, stimulate interest, and check student understanding. To teach the cognitive skills needed in making decisions and judgments effectively, an instructor should incorporate analysis, synthesis, and evaluation into lessons using PBL. He or she maintains currency in the subject matter being taught, as well as how to teach it by reading professional journals and other aviation publications, many of which can be viewed or purchased via the Internet, another source of valuable aviation information for professional instructors, As students advance, consider having them teach a topic to the instructor, to demonstrate their understanding and force them to dig deep into the details. Some of these include study guides, exercise books, course outlines, and syllabi. Within seconds, what is perceived as the most important information is passed to the working or short-term memory where it is processed for possible storage in the long-term memory. As stimuli are received, the individuals sensory register works to sort out the important bits of information from the routine or less significant bits. In recent years, video (VHS, compact disks (CDs), digital video disks (DVDs), or computer files), and computer slide shows incorporating text, graphics, video, and animations, have pushed aside traditional training aids. Its versatility and effectiveness provide several advantages for most types of instruction. However, it is the instructors responsibility to plan, organize, develop, and present the major portion of a lesson, There are a number of advantages to lectures. 740 park avenue documentary netflix . Taking physical or mental flight is a defense mechanism students use when they A. lose interest during the advanced stages of training. By organizing in this manner, the instructor phrases the questions to help the students obtain a firm grasp of the subject matter and to minimize the possibility of a rambling discussion, Plan at least one lead-off question for each desired learning outcome. The primary consideration in the lecture method, as in all other teaching methods, is the achievement of desired learning outcomes. Most projectors are bulky to handle and store, and the projector cooling fan may be noisy, Although vastly different from other projection equipment, the opaque projector reflects light from the surface of the picture or three-dimensional object onto a regular projection screen. The flight instructor serves as the link between dreaming of a career in the sky and becoming a skilled pilot. A participant lacking SBT instruction must search his or her memory to link a maneuver to a situation, The incorporation of SBT as part of the lesson is discussed in more detail later in this chapter, as well as in Chapter 6, Planning Instructional Activity, Decision-based objectives are designed specifically to develop pilot judgment and ADM skills. Other aids, which are usually more expensive, are projected materials, video, computerbased programs, and models, mock-ups, or cut-aways. A relay question is asked by a learner and the instructor requests another student to respond, Questions are so much a part of teaching that they are often taken for granted. In preparing questions, the instructor should remember that the purpose is to stimulate discussion, not merely to get answers. This type of summary is one of the most effective tools available to the instructor. The instructor bases this assessment on the learner's ability to demonstrate consistent proficiency on a number of flight maneuvers. This change is measurable and therefore can be assessed, Assessment of learning is a complex process and it is important to be clear about the purposes of the assessment. For example, the flight student may be asked to plan for the arrival at a specific nontowered airport. Ac lectus vel risus suscipit sit amet hendrerit a venenatis. Well-designed programs allow students to feel as if they are in control of what they are learning and how fast they learn it. (1) Holds a flight instructor certificate or ground instructor certificate issued under this part; (2) Holds a teacher's certificate issued by a State, county, city, or municipality that authorizes the person to teach at an educational level of the 7th grade or higher; or (3) Is employed as a teacher at an accredited college or university. Teaching methods or training delivery methods are discussed, as well as the use of instructional aids, In education, a course of training is a complete series of studies leading to attainment of a specific goal. It promotes learning through repetition because those things most often repeated are best remembered. If, due to some unanticipated circumstances, the demonstration does not closely conform to the explanation, this deviation should be immediately acknowledged and explained, Because these two phases, which involve separate actions, are performed concurrently, they are discussed here under a single heading. The instructors tools are teaching methods. This results when the material is presented as an authentic problem in a situated environment that allows the learner to "make meaning" of the information based on his or her past experience and personal interpretation. The instructor acts as a facilitator to encourage discussion between students, In the guided discussion, learning is achieved through the skillful use of questions. A syllabus is a summary or outline of a course of study that generally contains a description of each lesson, including objectives and completion standards. Well- designed course outlines are especially useful to students because they list the key points and help students organize note taking during a lecture, Aviation instructors must cover a broad range of aeronautical knowledge and skill training for pilots and AMTs. The introduction consists of three elements: attention, motivation, and overview. Whenever possible, the instructor should use specific rather than general words. Moreover, the student should feel a personal responsibility to contribute. For the maintenance instructor, this may mean monitoring the replacement of a carburetor. Pictures, drawings, and photographs are especially effective because they provide common visual imagery for both instructors and students. A postage stamp, typed material, textbook illustrations, or a defective spark plug are representative of the items that may be projected. a flight instructor demonstrates their coaching ability by. The pilot attempted four unsuccessful approaches with the controllers talking him through each approach. Sarcasm and/or ridicule should never be used, since they inhibit the spontaneity of the participants. With this setup, the physical facility is usually referred to as a learning center or training center. As the discussion proceeds, the instructor may find it necessary to guide the direction to stimulate the students to explore the subject in greater depth or to encourage them to discuss the topic in more detail. During a classroom session, the instructor should provide students with an overview of the presentation before showing it. The instructor provides assistance when needed, but he or she needs to remember that learning to solve the problem or task without assistance is part of the learning process. Some educators believe that television and the film industry have produced a visual culture that has actually changed the way people learn, Passive video, or video that the student watches like a movie, provide motion, color, sound, and in many cases, special effects with advanced graphic and animation techniques. In teaching a skill, the instructor must convey to the students the precise actions they are to perform. True performance as a professional is based on study and. From this measurement of student achievement, the instructor determines the effectiveness of the instruction, A time-honored training delivery method, drill and practice is based on the learning principle of exercise discussed in chapter 2, which holds that connections are strengthened with practice. Throughout the time the instructor prepares the students for their discussion, they should be made aware of the lesson objective(s). Measured in number of people in the profession, teaching is one of the worlds largest professions. It is important to remember that a training delivery method is rarely used by itself. By using dynamic and meaningful scenarios, the instructor teaches the student how to gather information and make informed, safe, and timely decisions, Decision-based training is not a new concept. Notes may be written legibly or typed, and they should be placed where they can be consulted easily, or held, if the instructor walks about the room. At times, instructors may feel that they are doing more one-on-one instruction than in a normal classroom setting, but repetitive forms of teaching may be accomplished by computer. Lectures are best used when an instructor wishes to convey a general understanding of a subject that students lack. Instructors can create their own overhead acetate or plastic transparencies, or they may purchase commercially produced ones. Consider the continued expansion of technical terminology in everyday usage. As is the case with the technician, there are times when a less used tool is the exact tool needed for a particular situation. People skills are the ability to interact, talk, understand, empathize, and connect with people. [Figure 4-8], In the teaching lecture, simple rather than complex words should be used whenever possible. This handbook is a compilation of that research and is designed to help aviation instructors become experts in the field of education, Effective instructors have a sincere interest in learning and professional growth. These scenarios require the pilot to manage the resources available in the flight deck, exercise sound judgment, and make timely decisions. Just as the technician uses some tools more than others, the instructor uses some methods more often than others. Instructors should avoid questions that can be answered by short factual statements or yes or no responses and ask open-ended questions that are thought provoking and require more mental activity. This short lecture is followed by instructor-student and student-student discussion, This method relies on discussion and the exchange of ideas. A simple process can be used to determine if and where instructional aids are necessary, Clearly establish the lesson objective. If it is a new flight maneuver, the student may be asked to perform the maneuver that has just been demonstrated. capicola pronounce gabagool; another name for tempering is aviation; rensselaer polytechnic institute notable alumni; bic lighters in bulk; great destinations gymnastics meet 2022 instead of "Would you expect an aircraft to require a longer takeoff run at Denver or at New Orleans?" When a student is able to perform according to well-defined standards, evidence of learning is apparent. It can be an enlargement, a reduction, or the same size as the original. CDs and DVDs and the associated equipment, although more expensive than some of the more basic instructional aid equipment, are fairly economical. While this is the most widely used form of presentation and instructors should know how to develop and present a lecture, they also should understand the advantages and limitations of this method, Lectures are used for introduction of new subjects, summarizing ideas, showing relationships between theory and practice, and reemphasizing main points. In addition, the Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI) needs to remember he or she is teaching a pilot who should: Seek proficiency in control of the aircraft. The rhetorical question is similar in nature, because it also spurs group thought. When properly used, they help gain and hold the attention of students. Research into how people learn has been ongoing for almost one hundred years. A brief introductory lecture can give direction and purpose to a demonstration or prepare students for a discussion by telling them something about the subject matter to be covered, In a lecture, the instructor can present many ideas in a relatively short time. Professional instructors should not limit their objectives to meeting only the published requirements for pilot or AMT certification, Instructional objectives should also extend beyond those listed in official publications. Using simulation devices, computer networks, and multimedia programs, students become more actively involved and responsible for their own training. Computer-based training also can be designed so the progress of the student can be tracked and documented. They are easy to construct and can be produced in the same manner as pictures. Indications from the studies vary greatlyfrom modest results, which show a 10 to 15 percent increase in retention, to more optimistic results in which retention is increased by as much as 80 percent. While it is important to provide hands-on tasks in the lesson plan to engage students in active learning, it is also important to ensure the tasks are completed safely and correctly, In Chapter 2, The Learning Process, learning was defined as "a change in the behavior of the learner as a result of experience. Guiding a Discussion - Instructor Technique: Introduce and encourage enthusiasm to stimulate discussion, Ask lead-off questions to get the discussion underway and keep the discussion interesting and engaging, Personal Computer-Based Aviation Training Devices (PCATDs), Form habits for observance and reliance on instruments, The teaching process organizes the material an instructor wishes to teach in such a way that the learner understands what is being taught. The nature of the questions should be determined by the lesson objective and desired learning outcomes, Once the discussion is underway, the instructor should listen attentively to the ideas, experiences, and examples contributed by the students during the discussion. It can be used during classroom periods and preflight and postflight briefings. Thus, the instructor provides assistance, reinforcement, and answers for those who need it most, In this situation, the CAL should still be considered as an add-on instructional aid to improve traditional classroom instruction. Remember that during the preparation, the instructor listed some of the anticipated responses that would, if discussed by the students, indicate that they had a firm grasp of the subject. HOTS should be taught throughout the curriculum from simple to complex and from concrete to abstract, Determine learning outcomes for the problem, Consider additional solutions through guided discovery, Reevaluate solution with additional options, Reflect on this solution and why it is the best solution, Consider what "best" means (is it situational), While there are many variations as to how a problem-based lesson might work, it usually involves an incentive or need to solve the problem, a decision on how to find a solution, a possible solution, an explanation for the reasons used to reach that solution, and then reflection on the solution. As little extraneous activity as possible should be included in the demonstration if students are to clearly understand the instructor is accurately performing the actions previously explained. A wireless mouse can be used to activate the slide changes from anywhere in the room, Another convenient and cost effective instructional aid is the overhead transparency and projector.

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a flight instructor demonstrates their coaching ability by