venus in 12th house synastry forum

Wow . Relationships that take place here( 2 or more planets in this house) offer a great deal of healing, self undoing, and even unconditional love but it's not easy to navigate. Brrrrrrr . He is much older than me, far better positioned, with flaws, yet a hero to me. Just a added general observation for everyone. The general claim is that it disturbs the person whose twelfth house is activated. We were both unhappily married, I was her manager at work, she was head over heels for me immediately, I didn't even know she liked me for months. He was a cancer rising, Scorpio moon, sun in Gemini in the 12th. Thanks Zahara, what you say makes sense. I feel like a complete different being since I met him. The house person will feel good with the Venus person and they will share a psychic connection that is quite powerful. If he is also your 12th Houser, please know that anything with him will be brief, for the most part, or there will be a series of back-and-forth connections with intervals of his ghosting you for long periods. He never forgot and it almost feels like he is watching me closely on social media. Required fields are marked *. He left few weeks after we met for a travel for six months. Because people that are confident don't usually like to point out other's weakness's or make them feel bad. I don't know. I dont think it was his fault he told me he was going through a lot and I know he was but he asked me be friends which I thought was friend zoning me but he has aquarius descendant and he told me to watch this movie afyer he asked to be fruends where the opening line was friends cant be friends and have sex and he said he wasnt done having sex. Im not about mind-games or double messages or emotional landmines waiting in the trenches. Romance and excitement are part of this synastry contact and it can show a relationship that feels as if it is developing too fast. Is your 12th house tenanted then? Venus in Houses Synastry Meanings: 1st through 12th House Best Marriage Aspects in Synastry [Everything You Need to Know] - Review42 Ive cut our contact channels. The 12th house is karmic for both for good or not so good both come through this house.:). It proves that Venus is created for sharing purity, love, and spirituality in the world, when in a good state. JavaScript is disabled. But I was raised by a Sun/Scorpio mother (with her Moon in Sagittarius) and Virgo ASC. i did not have any dreams of them. Sun In 11th House Synastry - How It Actually Affects Your Relationship It could be a not-so-good thing if you feel vulnerable or exposed or even if you just get irritated from him. His sun, mercury, Neptune fall in my 8th house. Its completely one sided, I have no hope. Synastry Overlays: Venus in 10th, 11th, 12th Houses Mars in the 3rd house overlay: This position for Mars in synastry, much like the 1st house position, can be very stimulating in either a positive or negative way.On the one hand, this position can stimulate a lot of invigorating conversation between the two, and the house person can appreciate how vocal and confident the Mars person is in their speech. Hi thank you for visiting! He was so familiar, which I think it's because of the NN connections. Tell me as the Venus person how do u feel? Synastry: Venus in the 12th house : r/astrology - reddit Thats one thing I have been thinking about since reading other threads on the subject..also what house does your Venus fall in in his chart? Can you tell me whats really going on here? Will this ever end!?!?? Anyone else care to share? He also has his natal Sun, Venus and Mercury in his 12th house. His mars is in my 12th house. Powered by Infopop 2000 Juno in Twelfth House. With the negative aspect, the "Plutonian" personality can show jealousy and possessive tendencies toward the "Venusian" one, trying . Long story short, we both loved each other but it didn't work out for various reasons (I suspect fear and insecurity was the main issue - karmic connection). As somebody with a 10th house stellium, including Mars, Moon, & Venus with Aries on the midheavenif somebody fails to openly display their feelings for me, Im gone. I love everything about astrology. The 12th house is highly psychic and deeply spiritual. I started seeing a guy whose Venus is in my 12th house as well as his Mercury in my 12th house. This happens for me with my Neptune in the 1st house I can take in people's feelings, illness or a array of different things that pass through me temporarily. It means he needs to work through then and the only way to do this is to, effectively lie to you, so he can havevtgecspace he needs to work through his issues. He seem to know all about me even i don't tell or exposed my darkest psyche to him. I was more into him from the very beginning I went after HIM and found out that he really resented it. I will try to expand on it in greater detail for ya, so check back:). I have to admit that I, with my usual 3/Sag and 3/Leo stelliums went after HIM because I was so sure he was my soul mate. We also share moon Conj Mars, moon and Pluto Conj & trine. I dont feel he doesnt love me enough. and my northnode conjuct on his jupiter and saturn on my 2nd house. I am fascinated by them, and the love I feel is otherworldly. He seemed very interested at first but the moment he felt I was getting attached he used the I am not looking for a relationship card. When they found out about him talking to me they were furious that he never told me about THEM! or I fail? He told me he loved me so many times and then took it back, and he told me there are things he needs to work through. In the synastry between my husband and myself, my Mars and Saturn lands in his 12th house. It can point to an affair or clandestine encounter. Im stuck. All of the guys whom I'm involved above have stellium especially benefic planets in my 12th house. Venus is the Roman counterpart to the Greek goddess, Aphrodite, and she is the female counterpart of the Roman god of war and conquest, Mars, who is also the namesake of one of the big eight planets in astrology. Powered by Infopop 2000 and yourself? I also have met two men, 1 in the past and the other one currently that many of my planets fall into their 12th house. Love you, Elsa many thanks for this wonderful forum! What he/she hates in something, i can see that they do the same thing, but they cant see it. And it is an easy relationship. . This house holds many lifetimes of memories. It is a great placement in synastry, of course depending on other aspects to the degree. Venus-Pluto Synastry - Conjunct, Square, Trine, Opposite Someone help Ive done so much research on this but I was with this guy for like a year and then he ghosted me, disappeared deleted all social media, but I still dream about him and think about him frequently and its been 3 years. thus I didnt want to be like him. You say hes your EX-best friend. I feel like I know this person really well but maybe this relationship is build on misunderstandings and confusion? You are using an out of date browser. This is especially true if that person's Venus is conjunct your ascendant (the more tightly conjunct, the stronger the attraction). You WILL find an emotionally available, decent man if you dont settle on lesser models. I never know what hes thinking, which is rare for me. It's true that when someone touches our soul in deep connection, they could teach us a lesson. His Moon is in my 12th House, and my Venus is in HIS 12th House, thus I felt captured by him. Am THANKFUL that it finally ended, but at the same time I value the lessons learned from our dance. My ex-12th Houser has Venus/Cancer which made it difficult for him to open up, unless it was totally on HIS terms. I resonate with the guy you wrote about in your article. This Venus might even feel that there's something magnetic in their partner. Hello Everyone,I can relate to alot of the post that I've read. This could be the unconditional kind of love people look for, its about whether or not you can handle it. As somebody with a 10th house stellium, including Mars, Moon, & Venus with Aries on the midheaven-if somebody fails to openly display their feelings for me, I'm gone. Posts: 354From: united statesRegistered: May 2009, Copyright 2000-2014 You know how you feel different in a dream but it's very real? I know I can read him more accurately than anyone else in his life and it scares him sometimes. He knows exactly how I feel about him because I've told him precisely and he doesn't feel the same way but he is always so concerned about if I'm dating/talking with anyone. So we became " friends" . It's strange that i always dream about him. SYNASTRY: NORTH AND SOUTH NODE CONNECTIONS. My own Dad was a Sun/Gemini native who made TWIN SIGN siblings (he was a classic Gemini man with multiple marriages and households, lol!) Although much of the time we find out it's ourself. Every synastry aspect Ive read into says that he should have felt more for me and I just dont know if that could be possible. This would extend to all aspects of life from music to clothes to cars to home furnishings. What's weird to me is that I can't decide if he's intentionally obscuring himself or if it is unintentional based on the nature of his personality. I dream of him a lot. And there is a very strong square between his Mars and my own, which creates a lot of stress between us at times, and his Saturn is square my Venus. Combust! Long time away for me. I've also found when we fought and were out of touch, I could feel how upset and rattled he was when he couldn't reach me. The last one who was a crush had his Leo sun in my 12th. Howd you get over him and stop thinking about him? so i point it out, and im more aware. Lot's of non-verbal communicating. I've actually read that in terms of unrequited love, the Venus person tends to love the 12th house person, but the house person can't return the love because the Venus person doesn't express their love clearly when in the 12th, and that love isn't recognized in order to to be returned. Elsa tried to warn me, but I couldnt hear. It means he has an inner conflict going on that is psychological in nature. This is all the 12th house stuff, and why dreams can be healing and why this house can offer us healing. I wish you luck in dealing with your guy; maybe it will turn out sweeter than what I went through. Most often, this includes banking, art and value-related activities. We started off some kind of bizar friendship in where I felt like a teacher towards a child, I always pulling, he always coming towards me, and then everytime when he came, he ran away, literally, like he got burned or something. more than likely you will see, there is a very big reason:) Often they are a teacher when it's a good person, or you have something to teach them. In this relationship, you tend to agree to a no-obligation arrangement from the start. One who never had to deal with neptune before would have it very difficult to submerge themselves past the toes dipping. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Hmm idk all of this is confusing.. now I will admit we do mirror each other a lot and both get mad at each other for things that we both do because we both know what the other one is actually doing its kinda annoying I see a lot of things about myself in him .. we have a baby on the way we both work super hard and always together I had an astrologer tell me I probably wont ever meet his family and I met them all and also in another state same for him so Im confused with this, Sometimes 12th house synastry is easier if you have strong Neptune placements or 12th house placements because your more familiar with it. But it just feels like i knew him before. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! I understand this. Venus determines the way you approach relationships, romance, and love. I even took a sleep aid and could not sleep. That said, I do know something about this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.p.s., any planet people willing to share their experience with their planets in someone's 12th would also be appreciated, As far as who feels what.. it would make sense they both would feel it since one persons planet is being housed ( in a environment) therefore the planet is being influenced also by the house person in their approach and the others is bringing the energy influence. My TWIN SIDE also is grateful, but is now more underground, and that may actually be a blessing, as I also began to mirror his BAD actions and ill temperaments. My Pluto sextiles his Moon and Venus and opposes his NN. The 12th house has a reputation for being connected with the hidden and unseen realms that operate behind the scenes in our lives. we are creepy to them, but cant seem to let us go. I feel like he's not being completely honest with me and himself about how he feels about me., Posts: 1873From: GeorgiaRegistered: May 2009. there are two people who have venus in my 12th i just adore. I feel like we are very secretive together though like we are very codependent on one another and thats really it far .. I loved his soul. Venus Conjunct Pluto Synastry. As a matter of fact it's very difficult to word. It doesn't necessarily have to do with verbal flattery but the presentation, image or interaction boosts the House. Pisces is the sign without boundaries. His Mars conjunct my Saturn opposite my Pluto. Oh one more thing: I am a Sun, Venus & Jupiter/Sag native and my Venus is opposite to my 12th House Gemini placement (Uranus-RETRO). I feel lost a lot of the time, but feel even more lost and dead inside whenever I walk away from him, but I never stay gone for too long, even though I claim I will never come back. It felt a bit cruel because he acted as if he was so I felt led on as he observed me slowly falling in love Anyway With my heavy Saturn influence ( Venus in cancer in 10th opposite Saturn + stellium in 4th house) I dont do well with non committed relationships and I felt what he did lacked integrity so I just left it there as I would not have been fulfilled. My Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury are in Gemini and fall in his 12th house. Venus in partner's 12th house: This indicates a strong subconscious attraction which can sometimes feel confusing, because there is a lot of fog around emotions. Idk if its cause its cancer in that house or my super exhausted Jupiter giving me a savior complex but its kinda like familial love like no matter what he always has a place in my heart. Or they saw things in us that were not really there whether good or bad. With him, it's never "goodbye," no matter what. With the Unaspected Venus, the sensibilities would be similar to Oscar and Felix in the Odd Couple. so the judging becomes like, omg i am judging myself kind of thing lol I beleive this is mostly for those aware and can face truth/accept themselves however greatly flawed and love themselves. Lol. I have recently encountered a gentleman whose Gem Sun, Mercury, Tau Mars and North Node falls in my 12th. You could have an unwavering affection for this individual. To this some spice adds venus/neptune square. Any info i'll share with you later. hes not so emotional with words but he is in action. He have deep psychic connection upon me, where he called me at a right time. was it really necessary to get hurt in a same manner once again after 7 years? Mine lasted for nearly 3 years amid a ton of torment, aching for his love, trying to understand the hostility, the mental/spiritual abuse, trying to help him .. all SORTS of goodies/1 In the end, it was me that jumped ship; who needs that kind of nonsense in ones life? Not too hard for me to figure out, even though for years I was dodging it. Can he just not see it because of this placement? Where you see Venus, you can expect things to have an easy flow. I don't mind though. GOD-awful!! On the second day of this happening, he told me that it was weird because he was going through the same thing because of a blood sugar problem where his blood sugar was going too low. It is a great placement in synastry, of course depending on other aspects to the degree. You are using an out of date browser. Yah, that 12th House synastry . It's like they can talk about everythng and anything and often don't even realize it. We have our moons in each others first houses which for my cancer stellium does a lot, and he has mars and venus in my 7th house. The 12th house person often has difficulty seeing the true nature of the planet and in the extreme this person might actually encourage you to become your own worst enemy. could you explain in detail why this weird connection happens in this 12th house? But yet together telepathically and spirtually. If a person is open to the supernatural, this would be a positive thing to see in an overlay. Having someones sun in your 12th though, I dont believe it is a nice experience for the planet person, especially a fire sun. He could communicate with my soul because he could explained my secret desire without boundaries.I had erotic dreams about him a lot. His sun falls in my 8th and his moon in my 12th where my sun is. The moon represents our instincts, our moods, our feelings and emotional responses along with how we nurture, feel nurtured, the wo North and South node connections in synastry are very powerful and often fated. He has trouble verbalizing his feelings but he said he's always been like that. In synastry when people impact this house, there is often sort of confessional that occurs. That 12th house is a tricky one, and both charts would be helpful in sorting through all that. What activity do you have going on between your S.O. Yes I do think that it's a possibility with his Neptune in your 12th its a very intuitive and psychic connection. At least I know now that I'm not the only one spilling my water in the 12th house, lol. Venus in the Houses in Synastry. The descriptions of 12th house Venus in synastry always ring true for me, but I'm always the house person, so it totally sucks being so affected by someone who hides their feelings. Hes very affectionate and cuddly. but they just made it private. I don't expect him to pour his heart out every second. We may still be able to figure it out. He is a Scorpio sun conjunct Pluto, Moon square Pluto (a magnet) with Mars in Libra conjunct Mercury. He said, he hadn't and he just hoped we could be good friends when he returned. The Venus person will like the way you conduct yourself, your . Posts: 2196From: UranusRegistered: May 2011. What he did to you was cowardly. Absolutely killing me .He was in love then all of a sudden he wasn't and said we couldn't sleep together anymore . where is your Neptune? As with all conjunctions, Venus conjunct Pluto synastry can play out in positive and negative scenarios alike.. Venus conjunct Pluto synastry relationships are based on the partners' strong romantic and physical attraction. My moon falls in someone's 12th house. But I have to work with him and Im afraid he can realize and maybe use this against me. Just not every second. The 12th house is mysterious, magical, elusive, highly psychic, spiritual, and the most interesting thing about it in synastry is that relationships with planets here tend to function mostly on a unconscious level, and even a whole other world entirely. The water faucet with no shut off valve, lol. And the worst part is I cant tell if hes going to be my salvation or my greatest self sabotage and final, complete ruination of my life. it be TROUBLE at times, and very hard. And ever since we started communicating I have that strange feeling of telepathic connection between us.Is it possible that this 12th house influence works so strong with people who never met in person?We don't know each other in RL and I don't know how that is going to work out when we meet.My Pluto square his Sun/Mars kazimi conjunction, within 0 degrees. It s killing me . However, I still cannot get him out of my headlike there is no better man out there. I felt this awful DREAD of him mixed in with the deep love longings that I held in my heart, and would just burst out CRYING whenever I felt his spirit coming near me. I would love to here anyone's feedback. Ya, I think we both feel a very strange draw to the other. When wondering around in someones 12th or they in yours? Every time I talk to him about something, I feel loved and at peace. Mars in 12th house plus all the unease Im feeling is scary and terrifying. Sounds karmic or so I think. when i came back there was this weird thing between us. And he's had a muscle twitch problem for years. I think what really happens is too much is shared to quickly, many secrets, and hidden parts of oneself and why things often get complicated. I have had a couple of encounters in which I felt bad vibes but the others were unbelievably psychic and strangely accepting and confessional, I personally really like this house but I also know quite a few that have had very poor experiences, so the negative does need to be warned. Are they always honest to each other when 12 house is involved? Positively both can help the other overcome their fears, discover hidden talents, or gifts. Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want, Predicting Violence In Relationship: Mars in Synastry. I forgot to say my venus is in his first house and when we met it was like that scene from twilight where Edward walks into the cafeteria in slow motion, the wind was blowing (indoors!) His moon fall in my 5th house. Venus trine Pluto, sun and Saturn trine. Juno in twelfth house can be a challenging placement. I have Jupiter sun and mars in his 12th house in cancer and I really hope I didnt hurt him. It was beautiful and tragic, and the deepest feelings I ever had. Also VenusianMoon, the outside person (your boyfriend?) He has sun conjunct saturn and he also has it with me in synastry as well as my daughter. It's difficult to let go with the person who touch our 12th house. In romantic and marital relationships, the purely material interest of the partners often comes to the fore. Im also worried he is using me on many levels and though his words and actions say otherwise, I feel that this is at least partially true. But all of my life I have been in the habit of TWOISMS . Thinking this would help. Synastry: Planet Overlays in Houses (Transposed Houses) If the person is a good person they can point out our weaknesses and bring them to light so we can move forward with the knowledge that they have to help us be more aware of our unconscious behaviors. iRecently i have met a guy in my office whose north node conjuct my 12th house where is my moon and mars. My 12th Houser actually taught and showed me the GEMINI IN ME that I was in denial of. It is a hard process . lol He also has his Mercury conjuncting my Sun in the 8th house and his Venus conjuncts my Venus as well as his Mars conjuncts my Mars. He indeed often told me that we do have a strong connection. that is my unrecognized trait of doing and having doubles 2 of this, 2 of that 2 of the same clothes articles, 2 of the same type of lifestyles, apartments . And that he doesn't know what is good for him. Horoscope, dating, astrology, forecast, relationships | 12andus This is because there are endless ways these things can play. 12th house synastry venus - Double whammies. Hi Aida! We re still connected somehow bit in a weird way :(. Im afraid he would stifle me and kill my spirit from the inside out. We also have vertex conjuct Asc. It's much like a therapist/patient relationship. The element of secrecy makes their relationship intense and glamorous. As if it was not enough he has moon conjunct pluto in the 5th and Venus square Pluto and Venus trine Saturn. Your email address will not be published. 12th house synastry is way too murky for me to tangle with. His Mars is conjunct my Moon and North Lunar Node which made it all the more compelling; his Neptune/Scorpio (which is Retrograde) is conjunct my 5th House Venus, and his Uranus and Pluto fall in my 3rd House where my IC is. I know the Pluto-Moon opposition would usually involve some obsession but not sure about the Pluto-Saturn conjunct opposing moon. And he keeps saying that he feels like he knows me for 100 years, so familiar, and that he just knows I would understand him no metter what. Mars, however, reveals how you express your sex drive and how you go about getting what you want. Orange. Either come correct or go away. In hindsight, I now believe that my 12th Houser is just that. he is not interested, so I need to move onThe way I found of doing it is trying to understand why this happen. The Venus person gets all silly lovestruck everytime they see their object of desire. The 12th house rules things. These are unconscious impulses as well as the forbidden desires at least tried to suppress. For example, you may not be a needy person, but you find yourself being very needy or vulnerable around the house person. The Venus conjunct Juno synastry aspect is a frequent aspect in the charts of couples, and so is Juno trine Venus in synastry. Sadly, I was the house person and hopelessly in love, while the Venus person would not admit their feelings even though we both knew they did feel for me, just like I felt for them.. Actually, the guy told me "I love you, *insert my name here*" while we were in class, but we barely knew each other and I didn't know if he was being serious.. later on he denied it said it was a joke (but it wasn't). I have a venus in capricornso yes it is hard for me to let my feelings out..I don't expect to say I love youI just assume you should know it by my actions but for me on the other hand, I would need some reassurance from my partner. I only noticed it after my 12th-Houser came into my life and affected me deeply that is when my own natal Gemini placement came out in me full and strong. But we do know a lot more about it than we did some time ago. But I didn't consider him anymore. Yes i do believe it possible to work even if you have not physically met as crazy as that sounds, my experience with this house has shown it to be a very magical house, that has roots in the past. Fatherly type things like that. All information I have is the planet can see through the house person like cristal. Posts: 15From: united statesRegistered: Jun 2013. Maybe he bonds with us well because the three if us have gemini suns. Feel free to elaborate in the comments. Venus is the planet of love which makes him lovable by his likable behavior and persuasive way of talking. Hanging onto him and wishing for return engagements may bring you much heartache, and even loss he might be a sociopath and if that is how he rolls you could lose much in the ways of material goods. I also have a stellium of 5 planets in my 8th house so I tend to be highly intuitive already. There is always a lesson and something you will learn and realize that the relationship was fated for some purpose bigger than you origionally thought but not meant to live out in this lifetime. ive seen it many times in others too. I have known that this house related to karmic connection.

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venus in 12th house synastry forum