nate and christy bethel

Im so grateful for the heads up revelation God gives. The places where the door is open and never shut. A scripture came into my spirit instantly; And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way. I feel this so deeply. Nate Gustafson. Thankyou Jesus! Eric & Candace Johnson's Transition | Bethel It was the enemys attempt to thwart the fulfillment of the promise that he could see coming to those who have stood and walked faithfully through years, even when the path didnt make sense. I feel this so deeply. In an Instagram post, Heiligenthal said her daughter stopped breathing Saturday and was officially pronounced dead. I hope it helps you understand what is happening. As Gods sons and daughters continue to decree the Truth of His Word with courage, it will drown every demon ideology that is attempting to advance and set up residence over our family territories. The Wild Ones: The Pioneer Call of Emerging Voices from the Wilderness It was for those who've been in transition for a long period of time and have been walking a certain way, they have now become familiar with the different aspects of the roadthe different enemies, the different hurdles, the different issues, and the specific terrain. Ouch. Treason! Happy Jewish new year! We have been contending for this moment for years and now its finally here! Dont believe the lie that nothing is moving or happening for you. Where the table always has seats, a feast is always prepared, and no voice is shut down. Athaliah is not the Jezebel spirit but is far nastier because she has been around Jezebel and is hired to do her bidding. It wants to surround you with imposters. The Lord is wanting us to take care of the areasthe access pointswhere the enemy is constantly getting to us and keeping us tethered to the past season. Walk in it!" I pray it does the same for you. We have to get our hands out of the cookie jar of religion and surrender to the leading of the spirit again. This will be a season where you'll feel peace, the release, and the 'go' to finally plant your feet and birth what I've given you, and you will build in peace," says the Lord. Dont fall for it! Jennifer Royer, SPJ Director of Communications and Marketing, 317-361-4134, (I released this word three years ago over Texas and have been searching for it recently when God dropped it in my spirit- I feel like its for now.) Who has felt stuck for months now? - Writing out the blueprint of this new wineskin. The sons of Issachar(1 Chronicles 12:32) knew the times and seasons and knew what to do, and we have the ability to do the same right now. Your hands were tied and your tongue was numb but now you feel the hum of a new song and and the roar of recompense in your belly. Who has been sensing this? I tread lightly because I cannot imagine the overwhelming sense of loss in losing your two-year-old child. There is a movement that has begun through a people who will take the blood of the lamb and their testimony (Rev 12:11) to the four corners of the earth and not shrink back in fear. Praying for you as you enter a new year.. the link to the rest of the word is in my bio, Merry Christmas from the Johnstons! When the wild ones came out in January I was overwhelmed with the response to say the least. Thinking he was safe, Sisera lays down to rest, and asking for a drink of water, she gives him milk lulling him to sleep. ' (2 Chronicles 23:12-13) Right now, the Lord wants us to fill our homes with His presence. Dont let it go! People ask me all the time what to do in crisis and chaos, news of potential famine, and instability, and every time I get my head out of the headlines and info the presence I hear the same thing MOVE FORWARDOCCUPY DONT SHUT DOWN! I feel there's an instruction in these words from the Lord to completely sever and do away with the past season and to devote this new path and this new season to the Lord where we have a hundred percent focus on where He's leading us and what He's leading us into. Then suddenly a flaming sword came down into the road and divided itseparating these beasts from me, so they were unable to get to me. Wadi Kishon means waters of snaring. The Spirit of God is releasing strategies in prayer at this moment that will lure and trap the enemy into the rushing waters of His Spirit, drowning out his plans, chattering words, and confusing doctrines. In our second season of Grow - New Wine, we we leading our community into a time of clear revelation and practical insight. Shut all access points. Your directions and your will, I heard Him say. Our desire is to see God's people permeate the earth with the glory of . This week get our or worry and manage mode and just praise Him and let Him move the mountains for you. Its time to pick up your sword and be a voice in this time of history that takes the keys of influence away from culture and gives them back to the church. Read the rest of the word in bio. The enemy has planted watchers instead of watchmen around you to come across as safe and protective but they are only surveilling your life to usurp you. Rogue misfit voices are about to spring up from the least likely of places with a message that will ruffle the feathers of the complacent and asleep church and usher in a new day and with an unmistakeable authority, anointing, and alarm they will break her out of the rut of dead religion and lead her forward. In our third season of Grow House of Acts, we are defining new era revival, what it looks like to build the new wineskin Church, and raising up the remnant to walk in power and authority like the Church of Acts. Anyone who enters the temple is to be put to death. A palm tree in the bible signifies providence, divine wisdom and intelligence from the Lord it is an opposite way of thinking to the worlds. "This is a season," says the Lord, "where I am taking you from a place of being pursued to you becoming the pursuer. Dont let the fake lion win when you have the roar of the lion of Judah inside you! We had people hacking accounts. AN UNKNOWN FOE But as I sat there in worship I felt like God wasnt wanting to reveal the obvious because we know that any great birthing season will draw in the enemy to the arena. Get ready for a time of new relational alignments. They are the ones in this season that arent satisfied by the status quo but are in pursuit of what God is doing and are parting ways with the hustle and hype of mans ambition. It will require saying "no" more often. He is faithful to do what He started and He will right every injustice! You see, instead of dealing with the normal stages of grief, Kalley has been taught to place her hope in this world and has called for prayer to resurrect her deceased child. For if you dream it, I will build it! " One guy years ago we led to the Lord. The Lord says, "The enemy will not have any access point to you if you are protective of what I have given to you." I'm cutting off all access points so that the birthing suite will be safe for you to birth what I've given you to birth! "This will be a season," says the Lord, "where you will be able to completely feel safe. Last week I was putting out the trash when the voice of the Lord boomed into my spirit these following words.. But only 4 months or so ago Jeff reached out and in the middle of a trying season gave us the most astounding heaven sent word that cleared away so much confusion. Are you caving to the pressure to be mediocre and let your fire fizzle out or staying on fire no matter how increasingly unpopular it is.. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into God's sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in grace and . We pray that God uses it to reveal Himself to those lost in the Bethel haze. No matter the event, we speak on topics that empower and release people to walk in the fullness of identity: from intimacy with God and inner healing to hearing Gods voice, the prophetic and more. Shake off the lies and foreboding fears and fix your eyes on Jesus. Can God resurrect Olive? But the reveal is coming. The sons of Issachar(1 Chronicles 12:32) knew the times and seasons and knew what to do, and we have the ability to do the same right now. God, Thankyou for your resurrection power flowing upon everyone who reads this In Jesus name! Im not interested in eating the same old manna over and over, are you? Discernment is not an abstract intellectual exercise. God is releasing a zeal over His people right now like Jesus had, its not a zeal to tear down the church but to build her. home | ministry Who else has faced the sudden swarm this week? I looked up her name meaning just now, Olive Alayne. Lets keep going! I believe God is removing the religious lids and ceilings off the church and its leaders right now who have been caught in the hamster wheel and need a fresh encounter. It is the same sin he then tempted Eve with in the garden; to be like God. Can you guys pray with me that these people encounter God in a powerful way and feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit. In a few weeks we kick off our third season for the year - House of Acts. We are living in a moment of profound awakening, where passivity isnt an option and the righteous are arising as bold as lions. Athaliah means afflicted by God which means Athaliah is the walking wounded or could even be described as the spirit of revenge, coming at you in retaliation for overcoming her mother's (Jezebels) hold on your life. He didnt fake it or ever back down from his convictions like so many have. Region 6 Mark of Excellence Awards winners announced in Bloomington, Minn. ADVERTISEMENT . Leave the hustle: It only hurts you and puts you in dangerous situations. Praying for you as you enter a new year.. the link to the rest of the word is in my bio, Merry Christmas from the Johnstons! These people are scammers and this is the test - they wont put this post on their fake profile, or will they? They smashed the altars and idols and killed Mattan the priest of Baal in front of the altars." Christy works at Toyota North America as Dispute Resolution Supervisor Customer Services Division. Region 6 Mark of Excellence Awards winners announced in Bloomington, Minn. Kick her out of your house: "So they seized her as she reached the entrance of the Horse Gate on the palace grounds, and there they put her to death." Real Estate & Homes For Sale - 9795 Homes For Sale | Zillow But as we were walking through the deep ravines of rock, out of nowhere He spoke In a time of fear and propaganda from the enemy trying to block my voice, those who seek me will find me like a cloak spreading across the Nations, this divine calling from heaven is resting upon a generation of daughters - they will courageously and fearlessly push back the darkness and exposing it to the light. Take it back by faith! There are opportunities and doors that look and sound good but they are stealing the peace and energy needed for something elsediscernment is needed to know what is from God for you and what is for someone else. This will be a time and a season where you'll find the people that get your heart and who will surround you. Leaders from the past telling us what we were doing wasnt legitimate. Where are the places that this spirit has gained access to my life?" Alayne AWAKENING and dear child. ! Full word in bio. Here they come, warriors and nurturers, soldiers and protectors. After having a radical encounter with his love, we discovered the heart of the Father and stepped into our calling to raise up a generation to live out the power of the Gospel in their daily lives. To those facing endless obstacles and mental bombardment today.. Rev Anthony Wade writes this strong article below where he states, in part: Since I know few will say it, I must. In this new wine season I believe God is raising up the church as a prophetic company to lead the way forward into her best days and most effective days. Dont stop now! Toddler death at Bethel reveals the true damage from NAR theology.

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nate and christy bethel