joe rogan dr rhonda patrick vitamin d

It's not like, you know, drugs. I guess it was non significant for whatever reason. I'm like, hell no, I'm not going to take benzoate that's, you know, been shown to like cause dementia. And there's all, you know, like and I was so happy when that human study came out. Do they they are more prone to zinc deficiency. But anyways, I had to because you have two cavities there at the point of no return where, you know, like you, they're I guess they penetrate the enamel a certain amount and they're like, you have to you have to like, get them out. The most recent guest on the hugely popular The Joe Rogan Experience is Rhonda Patrick PhD, a cell biologist whose work focuses on promoting a healthier, longer lifespan. That's it. How about wash the car. But you're on this platform and all the weight is on this belt instead of on your shoulders. So other nearby cells by secreting all this stuff. A little possible potential things. There's a study this was, I think, Gary, Lorcan, and who's a friend of mine, just he's like the best. There's a hot bath study where they also elevated wasn't quite as high, but it was like, you know, 40 or so percent higher than baseline levels and it was 104 degrees. I mean like not being able to breathe. It's awful for so many of these people that didn't do anything wrong. It almost seems like there's multiple viruses. You end up having less A2, which causes like can cause severe lung injury. The UV light from the sun is just as important. I use a day. And also other studies have shown that prophylactically is slightly better than therapeutic. And there has been studies correlating norepinephrine in plasma upon cold exposure, norepinephrine release and plasma to in the brain where it's involved with like mood and focus and attention. It wasn't quite doing that, but it was like improving. They even operated during the prohibition with a permit to make whiskey for air quotes, medicinal purposes. So I've been doing this on every day, five days a week because I would do it every day. Yeah. You're in there. I mean, it's crazy. Right. I thought that was really interesting. You have to you can't you can't do this, especially given one option. So heat, shock proteins which do like amazing. The same is not true of monthly and single doses. Magnesium Citramate And it's funny how, like, you'll get one grey hair and the other grey hairs that cluster around that one, like the clustering. I was just happy he was like you, Cortile, if you want, because he has I wouldn't do it. 3. I don't even know if there are older companies, but they've been distilling whiskey since 1773. You don't want to please them. I hope that's do the saliva bit. Yeah. And the sham control was like a green light like. The way drugs are designed is they like they target a certain molecule and they boom. Like it's not the same at all as before that was known. I think this is the one that had like eight grams. Well, yeah, but yeah. And so, like those people are more likely to die from respiratory infections than people that don't have that, which it's a great way of kind of randomising people by their genes as opposed to doing a randomized controlled trial. I'm like, bro, I so I did that 200. Once a week for eight weeks. The one that I'm getting, it's like it's found it like Whole Foods and sprouts and it's don't have the same amount of active culture though. No. Right. Can you imagine. He's he's a genius. She has tweeted several important studies available for reference at on this tweet thread. And it's been shown that that Vonne Gillibrand factor also isn't like is higher. And, you know, if they're not getting enough sun, they're not getting enough sun because people stay inside, more people stay inside. And so I take a I actually have one of my multi that I take, but I also take a K to supplement MGK for I take it like a couple of times a week. Like, why can't you wear a swimsuit? It's all really awful. That's awful. And there's actually been some other studies. Awesome. Respected master distiller Harlan Wheatley is in charge and he also makes craft vodka named after him Wheatly Vodka. So we're laying in bed watching a show. And that's then raising our core body temperature through that mechanism. Yeah, I think with the masks, you know, for for people, I mean, reopening the economy and, you know, some places have been more successful, you know, like, you know, even even in like Japan and stuff where, you know, the wearing the mask, like the cloth mask doesn't do much to prevent you from breathing in maybe a respiratory droplet or something or aerosol. Yeah, well, definitely. But there's a woman who reached out to me. A fucking dollar. Twenty five minutes on a stationary bike and same things are happening, you know, like blood pressure goes down afterwards, heart rate variability improves, you know, so same things are happening. Legal zoom is not a law firm, so you won't have to worry about expensive billable hours adding up. You know, they're kind slower, a little more decrepit. So, so physical just on alone. Wow. Right. Vitamin C somewhere thottam. But the hotels, maybe, yeah. Like it's like we don't ever sleep. We were visiting his parents in Memphis and it was like Christmas Eve. The I think the entire disease, it's out of their system. One study in the Philippines found that for every standard deviation increase in vitamin D levels, people were 8x less likely to have a severe form of COVID-19 and 20x less likely to have a critical form of COVID-19. So, I mean, that's the there is there is a push for looking, but not all depressed patients have. You know, so that's a big concern. It's for the lung function in the respiratory function. She understands new information and research is consistently available on many topics such as gut health. And that's how you kind of get yourself down. We got we got a lot in the vitamin D information was so fascinating. My mom is like, you know, she's Nana. Did I ever tell you my crazy story, fun story about this crazy story? Most of these studies are about a month. But so fluoride fluoride has been shown. The results showed the safety of vitamin D supplementation in addition to the protections provided for acute respiratory tract infections. But it's like small quantities and like do you ever get concerned from the high volume of leafy greens you have conservative oxygenates or getting kidney stones or anything along those lines? When people ask me about infrared. They're doing naked. Like his frequent podcast guest Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Rogan is a big fan of vitamin D3. Yes. I'll be willing to do it. They they call it the Banyo. Trager and the Trager Day Sale goes from May, May 15th, which is tomorrow to well, you'll get this today, May 15th, May 17, 20 percent off all Rob's sauces and liners. Yeah. You I mean you definitely like your fit, you know. No, no, no. That's probably pretty normal. And then and then putting them in a place where they can't get any vitamin D from the sun. It's best to, like, get a vitamin D blood test. PodClips. Was burning my ears and my so we were, it was dry for us so I wasn't, I wasn't experiencing that as much but I had to like get on the floor because like I felt like my hair was going to fall out, like I was burnt, you know, it was just so hot. Why is that? but IV vitamin C is for therapeutic treatment, IV vitamin C is routinely used for sepsis and has been shown to reduce mortality of sepsis patients, especially in combination with thiamine, IV vitamin C has also been shown to improve outcomes for cancer patients and plays a role in fat oxidation, When taken orally, there is a saturation level so once you go above that you excrete a lot in urine but if you look at plasma levels, youre still increasing, Its not something you do daily, its more for a purpose such as fighting the common cold; somewhere between once per week and once per month, Rhonda was receiving once per week prior to shutdown, Zinc is important for immune function and has been shown to dramatically decrease duration of common cold, Zinc is readily available in meat and poultry so there isnt a lot of zinc immune deficiency in the US but vegetarians are more prone to zinc deficiency, Quercetin is actually known to have antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-1, Quercetin has been identified as a possible compound that can clean out senescent cells (non-functioning cells that secrete cytokines and things that age in cells), A lot of studies looking at children that are asymptomatic, symptomatic, uninfected, Children that are asymptomatic are shedding as much virus as children that are symptomatic and adults that are symptomatic, Joe regularly tests himself and tests everyone that goes into the studio, The cloth mask is to prevent you from spreading, not necessarily as protective against breathing in droplets, If youre asymptomatic, a cloth mask will help in preventing spread, Studies showed that women who chew xylitol gum during pregnancy improve the microbiome of their mouth and have children with lower incidence of. Sometimes you'll hear this EU receptor and that's how the virus gets in, it's like, I don't want that, I want less of that because that's how the virus gets in. I remember I was on a plane once and there was this guy behind me and he was a kind of a heavy fellow and he was, he was really snoring loud. And unfortunately, coronavirus is one like this has been identified with the sars-cov-2 one virus. Between you and those outside your household, you fucking how have you been like doing comedy bits like. I've done. The vitamin binds to receptors on neutrophils, macrophages, and natural killer cells and stimulates them to produce microbial peptides that have antiviral activity. A two and a ten degrees. All I know is that it looking at the statistics, like if you go on a ventilator, I mean, surely it seems like the outcome is not very it doesn't seem like it's going to be very good right now, but it's hard to say. What happens is they become severely vitamin D deficient severely. But I think until that until that point, I do think that things will be identified that just kind of help us like deal with this, like better, you know, what is going on with blood types. I think that the I don't think the sleep stage is accurate was because like that's like you have to like measure brain wave like it's measuring, it's I'll tell you why, because I've had multiple incidents when I was nursing my son back when I was nursing my son where he was on a nursing pillow. Yeah. Barroso, Laird, Hamilton, Laird, I talk, but like I was about to, like, go to one of his I was like literally going to get on a plane and go to Hawaii. I would do I would do my yoga or my ballet and then I would run. It seems like, well, they're going to do it in addition to they're going to in addition to standard of care. And I'm clear and I did that right when I got back from Jacksonville because I'm in Florida, even though everybody's been tested, I'd like to get tested again. You suck. And there's been these studies where people are like untrodden intranasal, like they'll give them various titers of influenza virus and they the point of the studies to figure out what viral dose and they have like some measurement, like in in tissue culture or whatever, and they like to to make people have symptoms. But I love it. We know that elderly people are more prone to a severe form, but it just made me think, what if this you know, previous previous viral exposure to something like CMB is is kind of like also kind of shaping people's immune responses in some way? But I actually prefer this product from them because this completely isolates leads the back and you're not pulling on your knees and your ankles when you're decompressing. You could shut the grill off of the phone. It bothers me when people like, well, then don't go on Twitter, period, because most people are unhappy or YouTube. And you feel like it's like room temperature because you were just in this ice bath. African-Americans are in the United States. They just vaccinate. And I think the reason it got me interested because I was like 80, almost 80 percent. @Joe Rogan Experience Dr Rhonda Patrick on the importance of vitamin D At the end of the day, it's an association. Someone's talking about cleansing toxins like fuck off. That's the antidepressant effect like that. You can do online. But when you wear it, you don't normally. So I think that in this case, people are motivated, especially people in my parents generation that are older because they're they're more scared. Oh yeah. It monitors the temperature of the meat. I love this thing because you wear a belt and the weight is actually pull. Like if you want, you're trying to like, see what effect vitamin C has on whatever outcome you're going to want to weight raise someone's plasma levels. It's bad for you and it's bad for your spouse. Oh you can wash the car. Rhonda Patrick's Top 11 Supplements, Trusted Brands and Doses I'm like going around the house, turning well off because, like, I want my son to go to bed at an hour. So so my doctor might see my dentist is great because he like, you know, any dentist could just be like, no, they're still there. Rhondas goal is to ensure her levels of vitamin D remain roughly between 40 ng/ml and 50 ng/ml. Right. And it's not getting better. Most most people that aren't eating that many that many servings probably have around 50, which is still considered normal, 50 micro moles or micro molar. I mean, they are so deficient because you're taking again, you're taking someone who's supposed to be who's, you know, evolved to be getting a lot of sun but not burn from it. And then there's another thing by teeter. So they've done studies where, like, they they they have given people influenza vaccine. Yeah. And I like, injured myself. So you have to after you make it in your skin, it's stored in fat and, you know, it's released. Yeah. But there's studies now showing that it regulates what's called neuroplasticity, which is like the ability, like your brain, your brain changes, you know, with the changing environment. And it just, you know, it could be more it could be it can lead to death. And and the reason that's important is because a lot of studies looking at oral vitamin C consumption and like, for instance, the common cold incidence, the common cold really depends. I fucking love it. We don't know that. We're talking about popcorn. What are the what are the methods you can use to help boost your immune system, keep your body healthy? So. I forgot the exact number. I was asking him, was it Halstrom or is it. Below is an excellent video of Dr. Patrick discussing the benefits of Vitamin D on the Joe Rogan Experience. Dr. Rhonda Patrick Vitamin D Dosage & Brand - Brainflow And I'm typically like you know I'm like my, my meals that are like, you know, low carb, like I usually like I eat more like a paleo ish diet, you know. It really has a big difference in my cardiovascular activity. I got a mouthpiece and it's amazing. This strategy that you guys have, you're not adjusting and adapting. That's a lot. Like fuck. So like I didn't care anymore. Twenty fourteen. The new one, the West Side, Barbel CentOS. I choke on sometimes. And I was like, yeah, I'm going to do this. Joe Rogan's Supplements - Brands & Products - Eat.Move.Hack. It works. And and there's a there's like a theory going around because that specific region, it's been shown in sars-cov-2 one to cause antibody dependent enhancement. What factor do you think, like when we're talking about Centage before one of the things this is a respiratory disease and this is something where you're breathing in these particles. Your wife must love it. They don't have the concentration and isn't high. But that's kind of the concern. I've I'm it's pretty interesting. So anyways, he tracked proteins play a role in like neurogenic disease. But what's interesting is when you get above the pop up newsletter at my newsletter is great. Oh, I've done it. And what's interesting is that there's been tons of like genetic studies done on like, you know, identical twins and they're followed over time. Like you want. It would be so scared. So I have like all the apps and stuff and most of the time like and I turn my my my iPhone screen is like down and they have the black background and all that. So, you know, if if 15 to 30 percent of the common cold is composed of coronaviruses, we know at least two of those coronavirus are in the same family that have been identified to make at least in one case, there's been neutralizing antibodies. And so the type of antibodies were identified. So it's one of the reasons why, like, you know, shift shift workers like A really are prone to Type two diabetes. So there's a lot of people in the United States, as you mentioned, you make it from the sun. This is especially true for supplements and nutrition. You know, there's no data showing that. I used to deliver newspapers, so every morning I was up at five o'clock in the morning and I was also doing comedy. Six weeks later, she's going to do try to do eight sessions like like where she's going to keep these people from. But I was also using the gym sonas. It's awful. And then he would go without breathing for multiple seconds. And I was nothing had changed with my diet and my blood glucose, my my fasting blood glucose levels. It's really awesome. And I you know, look, I'm going to be 42 next month, so like fifty two. And my friend Justin Moran is literally one of the the nicest human beings ever lived. So I've been working my continuous glucose monitor for a year and a half, maybe two years now. And he's like, OK, well, if you find anything, please send it my way. Yeah. Nootropics. Corruption in these in Tarzana. You're going to be paying a lot out, but you got to 220. Yeah, I'm hoping that the accuracy of the PCR test improves. You know, I think that potentially, you know, I think it really should be explored. They have produced more than two million liters of hand sanitizer so far, and they're still making bourbon as well, rolling it more barrels into the warehouses every day. There have been some studies that have compared I mean, there's benefits with these infrared scanners there in Japan. They're not just like, boom, full stop going to, like, increase something when everything's normal. Or two, because I've read a bunch of, you know, evidence surrounding this topic, you know, about all the other clinical evidence, all the genetic labs, all the animal like. They're twenty seven percent less likely to have pneumonia after correcting for. But can you measure he talks about team the bath versus. I like 180 Fahrenheit for sure. There is also existing knowledge suggesting vitamin D may have a critical role in the regulation of the immune system which might include viral infection immune responses. Literally the buffalo on the label is not some neutered buffalo. Today I took a cold shower from home and my son is not there and I did it just because I wanted to have the mood affects the norepinephrine that's been shown to be increased and it was much colder. Personally, I think that, you know, that there's been enough evidence showing that vitamin D plays a role in particularly respiratory infections, psychosocial stress like stress, cortisol like that, but dampens the immune system. Vitamin D is then converted by the body into calcitriol, a steroid hormone. Like saying in 104, that's that's pretty hot. So I've been trying to like take them, you know, like we do like hide and seek and run, run, run and where I'm where I'm out. My fitness Twitter. It's like it it's really disturbing. So that's the thing we got to be careful about. The dark one. And I think you can really focus and concentrate on an actual thing that you could be proactive about during this weird time. It was like a huge thing. And it's totally putting me as calculating as asleep. I just fall asleep. Pressure is in Tarzana. She has dedicated her research career to finding proactive and preventive solutions to aging and longevity. And once you go above that, like when you if you take 500 milligrams of vitamin C orally, you start to excrete a lot in urine. And it calculated me as being in REM sleep. And it's like the first time I ever went camping and it was like snow camping. But, yeah, the monoclonal antibodies is a really I know there's like Regeneron, a big company there. They have won more awards than any other distillery on the planet Earth and they have balls on the label. I think the first time I came on your podcast, like, I know many years, it's been it's been a while, but I talked about this on years. I think social distancing makes sense. D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis TN and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis TN.. What fish oil does Rhonda Patrick take? It's an awesome company, folks, and they're there right now. So usually I just kind of scream and wake up and like, I'm like, look, I think someone's going to get me, you know, melatonin totally, totally stopped. You do when you say it. You know, so when you are stressed, you're you're you're basically you're not in a in a good situation to to fight off, as you were mentioning with your friend, when you're stressed out, like your immune system is dampened and you are more susceptible to illness for sure. You know, it's actually I was talking about my glucose monitor, my continuous glucose monitor. But to particular in that spike protein region, that's like an important region because antibodies bind there and because that's the region like that, you know, the virus uses to get into the cell. Well, I mean, depending I you know, I really think that I think things will start we'll start to get better. So then I went they were all jumping in the lake after and I'm like, I'm going to just sit on this patio. I don't know. They're twenty eight times more deficient in vitamin D than than Caucasians. (almost 3 years), Love our episodes? But, you know, I'm not a physician and medical doctor. Good health will never go out of style. So it's a lifelong thing. And I'll be I'll be honest, I stopped wearing my watch and they're so not measuring my heart rate anymore. I was like, yeah, I you know, you can't tell people they can't wear clothes. And then the other thing is that these publications are being uploaded on, you know, before they're peer reviewed. You chew gum. And then I think you might have moved to Sherman Oaks anyway. Well, the IV is it's totally IBS, totally different. According to NHANES data, older adults were 63 % more likely to have vitamin D deficiency and 46 % more likely to have vitamin D insufficiency than young adults while other sources have suggested a 70-year-old may produce 4 times less vitamin D than their former 20-year-old selves. But have you noticed an effect on your sleep at all? I'm just taking 5000 right now because that's like I could buy the five. Roughly 70 percent of the people living in the United States have a vitamin D level below 30ng/ml. Sauna and physical activity together were better than the physical activity alone, which I was like, yeah, that's what you want. So so the problem is, is that calcium can easily form a precipitate in in in general and particularly when phosphorus is around and phosphorus is. So, like, I think that's really important from bright light exposure is just there's just study after study showing it sets your circadian clock boom. That game we've been doing as Eilerts on it. You make it from UVB, radiation exposure. Look, and people are shittier over there. Like it's, I really think it's we already are. But there are studies also showing that either vitamin K one. She's like this just like a constant nagging cough, you know, that it completely 100 percent went away. Yeah. It's funny because I probably got like a thousand questions about the see in the past. The term vitamin D can be misleading because it does not function the same way as a vitamin. Most healthy people don't have any symptoms with it. And I think that there's there's potentially multiple mechanisms, immune, you know, modulations, but also just the fact that, like BDNF, you know, there's a study showing that hot baths do increase BNF and body and brain derived neurotrophic factor, which why would you think everybody would know what that means? So you mean by how many times you've caught the flu, how many times you've whether you're actually going to it, how you respond to it, you know? I'm not saying that vitamin D is going to prevent you from getting covid-19 or it's a treatment, although I am involved in a clinical study where we're going to be testing a very small open arm study we can talk about. It's just so awful for them, terrible for you. No, I know I haven't looked into the economy. So what's indicative of their suffering from this vitamin D deficiency. I just hope I hope that, you know, we can reopen the economy in a very safe manner where we don't have, like, flare ups that, you know, we don't want to be set back to like shelter in place again, like full on. Oh yeah. Like, what is the difference? That's crazy. Like, that's insane. And they want to just they want to shoot people down, make people feel bad and just don't. That's number one. Right? But I've just learned so much, you know, over the past couple of months. I don't know if it's a ruptured, you know, because it could be serious. The water is cold. So, you know, and then there was another study that was like some other messed up diabetic animal model where the vitamin D actually didn't increase the ace to receptor, but it increased what's called soluble ace to which is in like it's in the periphery. I think there's I they they isolated from humanised mice or something. It is. Right. So she basically she has gotten some funding and she's she's doing a pilot study with a new device, which is something you can, like, buy off Amazon, where it's like a sauna, like your head's out, but like it's like a tent. It's like, OK, this is not my field. This is not the plague that we thought it was going to be. I mean, I couldn't I couldn't believe it. But I think in the short term, you know, particularly like in the short term and particularly in patient people that have already been infected, you know, it may be wise to to to try giving your patient, like if you're a physician, you know, dealing with this may be wise to try and see their vitamin D levels and perhaps give them some, you know, is this being explored? And those pellets you put into a hopper, the hopper gets fed through a worm drive to a heating element and it catches fire. So how would one do a randomized control study on vitamin D in people that have covid-19? We were looking we were doing some research on this. What's called down, regulates down, regulates receptors. But I was like, it's got to be killing these things though. I got one pill. What is it? I've decided to just just accept where this is. And they're secreting they're secreting cytokines and things that age nearby cells. And so she now she's wanting to do it like she's wanted to do it, like, you know, once a month at least. How much vitamin D does Dr. Rhonda Patrick recommend? Have you had an MRI? And then in Europe and also in North America, this other this other form, the glycine mutant is prominent. Scroll down. Subscribe to our channels. Like someone needs to be naked somewhere. Oh, no, I had no idea. Eveillard too much. That's a clinical trial that's now going on where they're trying to test. And people that had already normal levels still had a protective effect. It's like it's right there. Because so many people fucked themselves up by trying to do things on their own and I did and now I'm scared. That's who you would depend upon when you wanted to know. That's certainly not embarrassing. Yeah, I think I think Gabby Gabby, Larry's wife, um, she she has a podcast earlier. And Trager Day, May 16th. Yeah, it's. Yeah, I'm just I'm amazed that the numbers of people that are deficient, it's so stunning. What is happening to people when they are vitamin D? Well, people get sexual, too, because it's hot and sweaty. There's been studies African-Americans are severely deficient. So that's kind of cool for aging grey hairs and all just for aging. But once a week and they take zinc, zinc plus quercetin for your course time and then sleep, sleep giant and microbiome. He it's some claim it's a cultural thing. I mean, is this something that people are talking about publicly? Blood glucose would get up sometimes to like if I wouldn't exercise like one, I might wake up in the morning and I'm like, one, two, six, one. Like he back in the 70s was like championing intravenous vitamin C for for for cancer patients because he was claiming it was like, you know, curing them, quote unquote, curing them. That's how I felt. So I'm like wondering when do I when can I cut the nap out? It's amazing. So sleep is so important, but those poor people that it's going to be one of the worst things for your nurses, like doctors, anybody, the first responder, health workers, anybody is working the late shift.

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joe rogan dr rhonda patrick vitamin d