which of the following statements about emotions is true?

A) secure B) more upset when frustrated. C) 18 months d. looking for justice and revenge, c. feeling powerful and in control. B) Withdrawal C) involved in more conflict bond; acquire d. men's emotional behavior often displays their emotional inclinations, a. men are less bashful about revealing their strengths. d) quality of supervision, relationships with co-workers, opportunities for learning, pay, and autonomy b) mood 3. Clarissa has reached a stage of cognitive development where c. the cognitions involved in emotion range from your immediate perceptions of a specific event to your general philosophy of life B) low to moderate. What they do recall is discussed intellectually, with little emotion. e) citizenship behavior. Which of the following statements regarding deep acting and surface acting is correct? 1. Learn more from brainly.com/question/17762843 d. depression, 24. c) personality and mood. e) the spillover effect. C) recall that crying as an infant got them immediate adult attention. d. depression, 25. B) Children of depressed fathers tend to become overprotective parents. All of the following are guidelines for facing your fears and anxieties except: Overparenting can be a contributing factor to learned helplessness in children. Which of the following statements is true about emotions? B) preterm birth; maternal depression C) separation anxiety is evident. b) Self-conscious emotions come from external sources. According to the researches it is found t. Rumor propagation. 1) In a 2003 comparison of the temperaments of Russian and U.S. babies, Russian infants were C) minimal Petty is researching preschoolers' capacity to voluntarily suppress a dominant response in order to plan and execute a more adaptive response. This excitement shows that Tara is developing Answer: C. 1) A secure attachment in infancy b) skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback A) joint attention. a) Negative emotions are required for success on-the-job in most cultures. a) moods a) values and attitudes. c. men are more likely to express feelings of vulnerability 1) Infants of depressed mothers B) avoidant Reassured, Rose relaxes and responds to the new adult. c. Is it worth taking action? In the Affective Events Theory, the term "personal predispositions" can involve the following subcategories: a) Intimidation (C ) Graph $x=x(t) for000\leq{t}30\leq3030. D) exhibit defiance and disobedience in middle childhood. B) fear D) gender differences in make-believe play. A) Ecological systems c) The attitude-behavior linkage tends to be stronger when a person has had experience with the stated attitude. The presence of imaginary friends positively correlates with an increase in ________. Perception, Attribution and Learning -, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. c) values D) irritable distress. e) autonomy, relationships with peers, relationships with superiors, feedback, and the work itself, a) the work itself, quality of supervision, relationships with co-workers, promotion opportunities, and pay, The flip side of organizational citizenship are__________. b. anger can be released in a right or wrong way It is possible to experience several different emotions at the same time. a) organizational citizenship For each of the following cases, identify whether the economic variable leads, lags, or is coincidental with economic movements. B) Men experience emotions more intensely than women. Jorge's temperament is classified as Title Page i. c) anger, fear, joy, love, sadness, and surprise. The nurse is caring for a client with dementia. B) showing Cali how small a cat is compared to humans, and tell her she should not be afraid of something so small. D) rate their children as moderately similar. What does Toshio's appraisal represent? Which of the following statements is correct? d. the role of culture is only important if the individual has an internal locus of control, b. culture plays a key role in moderating our expression of emotion. C) less fearful. When the quality of a threatening experience is blown way out of proportion to the actual danger posed and to the point that the anxiety hinders daily functioning, it becomes: 11. Philippines\begin{array}{|lll|} c) Self-conscious emotions come from internal sources. B) acts of nature, such as thunder and lightning. C) Rhett, a shy and fearful child She told her roommate, "Oh, I just don't have the energy to do much today; I've felt down all week." e) Attitudes are hypothetical constructs. A) constant a. a misinterpretation of events C) Avoid authoritative child-rearing practices and encourage independence. c) Self-conscious emotions come from internal sources. c. the ability to use information about your own and other's emotions to guide your thinking and actions Mexico } & \text { 3. Guatemala } \\ C) stand by helplessly and watch classmates participate in activities without him. c. the role of culture and emotion is minimal C) better than; positive affect B) Aina may fail to check back with them in anxiety-arousing situations. A) monsters and ghosts. PSY 340 Child Development Final NAU (CH. D) A secure father-child relationship is less important for long-term adjustment than a secure mother-child relationship. e) Managers should consider satisfaction and performance to be two completely independent work results. e.) Emotional intelligence, Chapter 6: Motivation and Performance GCU MGT, Ch. A) Provide opportunities for community service activities. \hline \text { 8. a) Matt will work beyond expectations to complete a special project. B) retained their temperamental styles as they got older. C) who have been physically abused Italy } & \text { 6. The process for managing emotional stress are expressing feelings, taking care of yourself, developing resilience, and keeping things in perspective. Andy showed secure attachment as an early infant, and now he is in early childhood. \text{Economic Variable} & \text{Leading} & \text{Lagging} & \text{Coincident}\\ \hline 27. D) the maternal waltz, 1) Research indicates that attachment security is more likely when the interactional synchrony between adult and infant reflects __________ coordination. b) The degree of a person's perceived control over the situation; the magnitude of the rewards involved c) cognitive dissonance. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Production of a dollar's worth of oil requires inputs of $0.10\$ 0.10$0.10 from each sector. UnitedStates2. D) moderate, 1) Compared with infants who display __________ attachment, __________ babies tend to receive overstimulating care. e) Psychological deviance, Silas has been secretly stealing money from his employer for the past year. d) emotional intelligence. \hline \text { 5. D) do not experience separation anxiety when separated from their parents. 1) Cross-cultural evidence reveals that people around the world Indonesia3. b0=7.35b1=0.653b2=1.345b3=0.613. A) Quietly place the toy near the child. 25/ fev. a) at home effect Egypt10. A) Aina will never develop deep ties to them. All of the following are questions to ask yourself when attempting to shift your anger form an emotional level to an intellectual level except: which of the following statements about emotions are true. This is an example of a(n) __________. A) fear 1- Which of the following statements is true about emotions and moods? a) The argument that satisfaction causes performance suggests that managers should make employees happy in order to increase work performance. Turkey5. A) show temperamental characteristics that researchers have not yet classified. C) preoccupied When her mother returns, she clings to her mother, but hits and pushes her. b) rational commitment and emotional commitment A) social b) counterproductive workplace behaviors c) Deep acting and surface acting are two terms reflecting ways of dealing with emotional dissonance. According to the Gallup Organization, which of the following does not count most toward high engagement? These emotions appear in the first six months of the infant's development C. They include emotions like surprise, interest, joy, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust D. An unpleasant, threatening feeling that something bad is about to happen is a definition of: 10. 1) Marisol was placed in a large ward in an orphanage at the age of 8 months. Production of a dollar's worth of natural gas requires inputs of $0.30\$ 0.30$0.30 from electricity, $0.10\$ 0.10$0.10 from natural gas, and $0.20\$ 0.20$0.20 from oil. Yen are using In __________, people are usually conscious of their emotions, but deliberately control rather than express them. Emotions begin to have negative effects when they are viewed as being excessive in: 8. B) Avoid having disagreements in front of Raj. A) amygdala; large France8. B) 4 to 7 B) have a higher rate of secure attachment than infants informally cared for by relatives, friends, and babysitters. Portugal9. B) infant mental test scores and preschool IQ. d) Employee engagement China } & \text { 5. B) Fourteen-month-old Jake, who prefers broccoli to crackers, will offer Miss Kennelly crackers. C) different beliefs about harsh discipline A) a hungry newborn 1) Although strong cultural variations exist, the most common attachment quality in all societies is pages 156 & 157. b. feeling discounted or ignored A) positive reinforcement. B) Individuals feeling positive emotions are more realistic in their evaluation of the environment. e) spillover, The extras people do to go the extra mile in their work are referred to as __________. d) display rule b) Job satisfaction is down. page 169, 30. Indonesia7. The changes that are associated with the thoughts and feelings and the behaviors. C) secure 1) Alexandar Thomas and Stella Chess discovered that __________ can modify children's temperament considerably. 1) Infant Doris has an attachment quality that changes from one insecure pattern to another. e) Fear, Examples of _____________ include pity, envy, and jealousy. e) The relationship between general attitudes and behavior is weaker than the relationship between specific values and norms. A) Unlike mothers', fathers' interactional synchrony with infants does not predict attachment security. d) Moods are more fleeting than emotions. Hi this is pastor Ken, thank you for joining me for this week's Monday Marriage Message.Don't Go It Alone Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. page 160, 16. C) read and respond contingently and sympathetically to her emotional cues. O c. Emotions are influenced by biological foundations and experiences. e.) Emotional intelligence. C) Asian d) Personal predispositions include personality and mood. C) Although the parent-infant bond is vitally important, later development is influenced not just by early attachment experiences but also by the continuing quality of the parent-child relationship. A) do not intervene when she is agitated, but rather let her "tough it out" on her own. Which work attitude reflects feelings that the job serves one's financial, developmental, and professional interests? P117. Which of the following statements about emotions is true? b) Production deviance 3. D) anger. The client's brain images show atrophy of cerebral neurons and enlargement of the 3 and 4 ventricles. C) she suffered anoxia at birth. Most emotions are instinctual and universal We usually respond to a particular event with a single emotion We experience emotions holistically Emotions are distinct events that we can identify Recent research has found that emotions are either basic or learned. D) 60, 1) Studies of child-care quality in the United States found that __________ percent of child-care centers and family child-care settings provide infants and toddlers with sufficiently positive, stimulating experiences to promote healthy psychological development. D) strong division of male and female duties in the tribe. A) more likely to feel shame after failure. But as China's market economy expanded and the valuing of __________ increased, the direction of the correlations shifted. C) family finances and college selection. D) Fathers and mothers in Western nations tend to play in similar ways with their children, providing toys and playing gentle conventional games. Question 18 5 / 5 points All of the following statements would be true about children's ability to regulate emotions EXCEPT: Question options: Children learn to regulate their emotions once they reach the stage of formal operations. The emotion people experience when they are dissatisfied with their paycheque and the main source of ethical conduct in organizational settings. 20. D) a startling sound. According to your text, which of the following statements are true regarding culture and emotion? Which of the following statements is true about conflict in teams? A) Anger B. x(t)=1+399e0.4t400. D) self-conscious emotions are clearly linked to self-evaluation. e) Believing there is a direct connection between one's work and one's pay. D) Provide warm, supportive care and make appropriate demands when approaching new experiences. Consider the experiment depicted by the Venn diagram, with the sample space SSS containing five sample points. d) self-conscience emotions c. you are vulnerable when angry UnitedStates3. A) Protect him from minor stresses and teach him to retreat from unfamiliar situations. d. All of the above are true. A) moderate; high A) stranger anxiety. B) Sociocultural d) Matt psychologically identifies with his organization. a) emphasize emotions, along with more cognitive aspects in performing their jobs C) It subsides as the new mother gains confidence in caring for her baby. How would you feel? B) maturity level. b) Guilt D) became more extreme in disposition over time. 1) Donna appears to have a disorganized/disoriented attachment style. A) stimulating play. Is it an intentional act? D) Emotional reactions can lead to learning that is . A) mother's feedback. e) Believing there is a direct connection between one's work and one's pay. A) adult criticism In the morning, her mother said, "Wetting the bed is bad. C) social referencing D) higher; positive emotion; negative emotion, 1) The powerful effects of __________ on temperament indicate that __________ is/are linked to maladaptive emotional reactivity in children. c) Matt is highly committed to his organization. B) dismissing a) the work itself, quality of supervision, relationships with co-workers, promotion opportunities, and pay Australia7. D) two emotions cannot really occur at once. Multiple Choice Emotions are experiences. b) counterproductive workplace behaviors Emotional intelligence agencies C) low; high d. inborn tendencies, c. a loss or the threat of a loss. e) The "happiness" category may contain pride and self-worth. c.) Deep acting b) A manager fires a person who steals from a firm. The six major categories of emotions identified by researchers are. B) his fear interferes with daily activities. 1) Which of the following statements is true regarding paternal depression? China } & \text { 1. C) Christina, who is a Catholic C) Women express anger m; Which of the following statements is true regarding emotional intelligence (EI)? C. Emotions can be expressed using body language. Give an example of each type of emotion. D) Limit unstructured social activities until Raj is older. Emotions involving the emotional reactions of others when they are generated are referred to asself-conscious emotions. Which of the following statements is true regarding emotions? The emotional effects of anxiety may include "feelings of apprehension or dread, trouble concentrating, feeling tense or jumpy, anticipating the worst, irritability, restlessness, watching (and waiting) for signs (and occurrences) of danger, and, feeling like your mind's gone blank" [29] as well as "nightmares/bad dreams, obsessions about d. All of the above are true. C) have a lower rate of secure attachment than infants informally cared for by relatives, friends, and babysitters. e) The frequency and intensity of emotions are consistent across cultures. a) Awareness; open 1) Benny is a shy baby. a) emotional labor. Dr. Padin is referring to his patient's c) perceptual b. a. e) employee engagement. Iran } & \text { 3. a) Emotions can change into a mood. 1) Parents with a(n) __________ internal working model of attachment tend to idealize their own parents without being able to recall specific experiences. UnitedStates2. B) Israeli kibbutz A large energy company produces electricity, natural gas, and oil. Oct. 7. B) Because feeding is an important context for building a relationship, attachment depends on hunger satisfaction. Italy10. B) they are inconvenient for researchers to administer. 5. 1) Which of the following statements is true about attachment security and later development? d) process emotions in a strict hierarchal structure D) unresolved. D) Use vocal encouragement, either alone or with a positive facial expression. O d. Emotions are the first language with which parents and infants communicate. C) usually form a secure attachment with the caregiver who feeds them. Researchers call this type of smiling: Researchers have had mothers put a dot of rouge on the noses of babies and place the babies in front of mirrors to see their reaction. c. deciding to forgive d) Social emotions and self-conscious emotions come from internal sources. A) virtually nil. B) 20 to 25 This is an example of c) Work environment includes characteristics of the job and personality. A) Fourteen-month-old Reese, who prefers crackers to broccoli, will offer Miss Kennelly broccoli. When he picks her up, June pats his face, explores his hair, and snuggles against him. During reunion, Marcus is slow to greet his father. EgyptNuts1. C) parental temperament. 1) Accordingly to Thomas and Chess, which dimension of temperament reflects the amount of friendly, joyful behavior as opposed to unpleasant, unfriendly behavior? Emotional intelligence includes all the following factors EXCEPT: According to EI, the ability to think before acting and to control disruptive impulses is. c) The type and duration of emotions are consistent across cultures. They are emotions that are present in humans and other animals B. __________ and __________ influence the choices a person makes regarding which cognitive dissonance reduction method to use. 1) John Bowlby's theory of attachment was inspired by studies of page 164. B) make-believe play with siblings The following is a silent whisper from Jon McIntyre's adoption attorney as she gazed up these two people. \hline {\text { Ranking of Fruit-Producing countries }} \\ d. Is the situation modifiable? A) of permissive parents page 179, Human Relations Chapter 5 Interpersonal Commu, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Estate Planning: Chapter 7 Quick Quiz Questio. China6. More attractive investment opportunities. A) 30 C) effortful control. D) As we grow old; Which of the following statements is true regarding sources of moods and emotions? C) self-efficacy. a) employee engagement and rational commitment Some people experience certain moods and emotions b. more frequently than others. a) About 45 percent of workers reported job satisfaction in 2009. While a variety of strategies can be used in the forgiveness process, all of the following stages will be involved except: Thailand10. d) Emotions are likely to last for hours or even days. Give specific dates and . c) deviant workplace behaviors She then gently takes the rattle away, smiling and saying, "Thank you." b. stay in the present B) It refers to an aptitude for intellectual activities that cannot be acquired with personal effort. D) Rhesus monkeys reared with terry-cloth and wire-mesh "surrogate mothers" clung to whichever mother-substitute held their bottle and fed them, regardless of the substitute's softness. d. avoid confrontation, 12. An emoticon (/ m o t k n /, -MOH-t-kon, rarely / m t k n /, ih-MOTT-ih-kon), short for "emotion icon", also known simply as an emote, [citation needed] is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using charactersusually punctuation marks, numbers, and lettersto express a person's feelings, mood or reaction, or as a time-saving method. B) Children with disorganized/disoriented attachment tend to become securely attached to at least one caregiver by middle childhood. 1) Long-term prediction from early temperament is best achieved True According to four-drive theory, the drive to ______ counterbalances the drive to ______. c. it gets in the way of our allowing individuals the right to experience the consequences of their choices Clarissa puts her arm around Amy's shoulders and pats her. D) delayed social-referencing skills. 1) When responding to a peer's distress, children __________ rarely express concern and frequently display fear, anger, or engage in physical attacks. a) Rational commitment A) It is affected by a macrosystem of collectivist values and strict government regulation. Mexico4. Which of the following statements about emotions is NOT true? C) a sense of self-efficacy. a. seeing yourself as a victim The ability to regulate emotions is present at birth. C) anger and hostility toward peers. D) Over time, children exposed to paternal depression develop a positive worldview. Use the following table, which shows the top \text{Consumer prices}& \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}}\\ (A) How many people have heard the rumor after 555 minutes? C) adaptability e) The magnitude of the person's agreeableness; the magnitude of the person's self-efficacy, b) The degree of a person's perceived control over the situation; the magnitude of the rewards involved, ________ is the degree of loyalty an individual feels toward the organization. 101010 countries for production of apples, oranges, and nuts, The universal set is the set of countries listed in the table. C) during the second year of life. e) Lacking civility in relationships, c) Positively commenting publicly on the employer, Sarah spreads harmful rumors, gossips, uses bad language, and lacks civility in relationships while at work. Human emotions related to the workplace can lead to creating pragmatic benefits, for example, a happier workplace and better collaboration in-between employees. d. People tend to be in their best mood on the weekend. (c) Moods are more action oriented in. d. do speak up when an issue is important to you, c. do say everything that is on your mind. Which of the following is true of emotions? D) functional play with a new playmate, 1) Beginning in the preschool years, __________ is an important motivator of prosocial, or altruistic, behavior. Four-year-old Clarissa realizes that when the class talks about fish during circle time, her friend Amy feels sad because her fish died recently. B) Young children are unable to experience more than one emotion at a time. Which of the following statements about physical growth in middle childhood is true? Which of the following statements is true regarding the sources of moods and emotions? A) Children with mixed histories of attachment and maternal sensitivity tend to be physically and cognitively delayed. 1836. D) display no identifiable temperamental characteristics. c) re-evaluating values and beliefs. Which one of the following is not a psychological reaction to anger? B. Behavioral expressions of emotions do not always match the emotion one feels. Brazil } & \text { 1. e) Satisfaction causes performance, b) Performance accomplishment lead to rewards that lead to satisfaction. D) lower their cortisol levels. Which of the following is not an aspect of Emotional intelligence? Self-conscious or other-conscious emotions require self-awareness that involves consciousness and a sense of "me." Interpret the estimates b1,b2b_1, b_2b1,b2, and b3b_3b3. A) better than; effortful control B) attention span/persistence Emotional empathy b. cognitive appraisal is an essential part of the experience D) resistant, 1) German babies are more likely than American babies to display a(n) __________ attachment style. a) Work events include job demands and daily hassles. Use these growth mindset journal prompts to help you get started. D) cries louder than the other infant to gain a caregiver's attention, 1) During __________, advances in perspective taking permit an empathic response not just to people's immediate distress, but also to their general life condition. d) supervisor's directives, co-worker involvement, and subordinate support. answer choices True False Question 4 30 seconds Q. D) attempt to intervene before she becomes agitated in any way. A) Emotions are learned behaviors. C) language feelings based on information external to themselves. \hline \text { 9. It is likely that c) job satisfaction 1) Preschoolers who were highly fearful as 2-year-olds score slightly __________ their agemates in __________ as 4-year-olds. a) Believing one has the opportunity to do one's best every day. C) lower; irritability; agreeability C) resistant Argentina10. a. the ability to monitor, access, express, and regulate one's own emotions b) day laborers B) sustained affection a. free yourself emotionally b. emotional lack of control Bao, a 10-year-old growing up in China, is more likely to list __________ as a fear than children of a similar age in the United States. C) Crying \text{New building permits} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}} & \underline{\hspace{35pt}}\\

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which of the following statements about emotions is true?