weird laws in greenland

At Far & Wide, we try to be law-abiding citizens. In Victoria, B.C., it's illegal for a bagpiper to play at the same time as another street performer. Anyone who hunts, catches, takes, kills, injures, or pursues a wild animal or bird with a ferret will face a fine of no less than $100 (but no more than $500) and up to 100 days in jail, according to West Virginia State Legislature. Perhaps one of Canada's weirdest laws states that if you see the big guy in all of his hairiness in B.C., don't shoot! No Public Feather Dusting. 50. Seems unfair to the little critters, but they do have an annoying habit of going through the trash. Just make sure you dont throw your talcum powder around when you are getting dry later. Initially enacted to stop servants from stealing their master's money to pay off their debts in the pub, it soon became a free pass to extensive boozing. Stupid Laws of Denmark: Funny, Dumb and Strange Danish Laws - Goodreads It certainly is a forgotten law and has never really been enforced in Florida. So, what happens if you have the wrong sort of swimwear? Spitting is also illegal and can result in arrest. If you have been swimming, you must not wear your swimming costume after leaving the beach. near and around Sacramento; NO smoking outside or on the street! It's illegal to carry away or collect seaweed at night in New Hampshire. The purpose of most legislation is to promote acceptable behavior and to prevent or punish unacceptable behavior. We wish this one had a more interesting backstory, but the full law actually makes sense: No person shall drive a vehicle when it is loaded or when there are in the front seat such a number of persons as to obstruct the view of the driver to the front or sides of the vehicle or as to interfere with the drivers control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle.. Weird laws in the world's northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and To carry, manufacture, sell, or handle any non-biodegradable, plastic-based confetti is unlawful, according to Municode Library. To preserve rare species of Arctic birds, locals are not allowed to bring cats in town as well, hence none feral friend can be spotted nearby. Dogs cannot travel in the back of open-top vehicles. It does that, but it also means that no Tennessee resident can share their password with anyone outside of their household. The logic behind this weird law was that sleeping around heavy machinery was a bad idea. Ancient stone camels in Saudi Arabia older than Archeologists discover enigmatic ancient site near Prague. Which means the prostitutes themselves would not be breaking the law. Breaking this law can also result in a stay at the state prison not exceeding five years and other damages, according to the Montana State Legislature. The name Greenland might give one the idea that the landscapes of this country are covered in lush greenery. Weird Ohio laws: Here are 5 laws you probably didn't know exist Hello everybody this is Ethan welcome back to another episode of Unique Facts And Weird Laws. In Australia, men are free to cross-dress, just as long as their dresses are not strapless. The governor of Phnom Penh has banned the sale, import, and possession of all water pistols in the city. Greenland is one of the best locations in the world to view the dancing Northern lights. "Dumb Laws" Across the United States It Is Prohibited To Harass Big Foot (Washington) In the US state of Washington, it is a crime punishable by either a fine or a jail term to harass big foot, Sasquatch, or any other undiscovered species. Horses can't be kept in . Beer They were dark years in an already dark. 55 Dumbest Laws Around The World, Believe The Unbelievable! - Quizville There is some debate over this one. The Hvalsey Church, a Norse ruin now is the first church for Christians built on the continent of North America. Even if a person gets buried, it is another question how proper the body will decompose. Exceptions are made for people in wheelchairs, participating in parades or having a medical emergency. Rumor has it that seaweed was once used as fertilizer and was stolen from public beaches in the night, but no ones positive how this wacky law really came to be. 18. The law applies also to trout, eels, lampreys, smelt, freshwater fish, and any other fish specified for the purpose.. Final verdict: Do you know how to tell if a pickle is legit? Denmark upholds the annual block grant of 3.2 billion Danish kroner, but as Greenland begins to collect revenues of its natural resources the grant will gradually be diminished. How ancient Romans went to conquer Britain? 7. It is popular due to the fact that it has the fastest moving glacier in the entire Northern hemisphere. In Argentina, there is a law that states that Argentine nightclubs must play the same amount of tango music as all other forms of music combined. B Rosen via Flickr February 20, 2018 The weirdest laws on the planet: Its a crime to Prague history: There was another bridge before Charles Bridge, Ancient stone camels in Saudi Arabia older than Pyramids. And it seems every state has at least a few of them. Final verdict: Technically, it was Wisconsins downright war against margarine that began in 1895. From legends of elves to a decades-long ban on beer, the Christmas Book Flood to state-owned milk stores, there are loads of quirks and weird facts about Iceland's history. The Berlin Wall Good Thing Today Its Street Live, Love, Create, Enjoy Melbourne, a haven for Weird laws in the worlds northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and no cats please! Greenland, the world's largest island, is about 80% ice-capped. Llama Crossing Road Sign // Bolivia. 3. Anyone deemed to be overweight is given three months to shape up. Initially, it was enacted to stop servants stealing from their masters to help pay off drinking debts. Sidewalk Sitting. #6- Air and boat travel Image Source:Wikimedia The law originated during the 1860s, when San Francisco was at the center of the California Gold Rush. Even though they dont really specify what qualifies as dirty talk. According to the Michigan State Legislature, breaking this law is punishable by a maximum sentence of four years in prison and possibly a $5,000 fine. Though the subject has been reviewed in the French parliament several times since then, the law has not been repealed and is still strictly enforced. Swearing can lead to a fine, as can lying on park benches or climbing trees. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. 41. Final verdict:This one is just plain common sense, but in Wyoming, enough people went skiing after a few too many drinks that preventative measures were taken. And remember: having a criminal record is definitely not cool if you're a man over 40. For example, the New York law against people wearing masks in public places is to prevent a mass crime or a riot, since you don't know the assailant's identity undercover. In Kansas, individual counties may by resolution or petition prohibit the sale of alcohol in public places where 30% or less of their gross revenue comes from the sale of food, according to Kansas State Legislatureand TIME. Major tourist attractions in Greenland are the fauna and flora of this country. In Norway, there is a law that protects all female dogs and cats from being spayed. So it is somewhat ironic that Alaska passed a law banning people from getting drunk in bars. The law has been in place since 1903. 1. In Britain it is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the monarchs head upside down on an envelope. This is particularly important to the Chinese authorities because His Holiness (Tenzin Gyatso) has been such a thorn in their side. You'd better take it as a fun read instead of a history lesson! Another obligatory rule of the Italians takes part on the list of the dumbest laws around. However, according to the North Carolina State Legislature, non-profit groups can go wild. This just makes a lot of sense and has probably saved many lives. According to Arkansas's Code of Ordinances: "No person shall sound the horn on a vehicle at any place where cold drinks or sandwiches are served after 9:00 p.m.". No pun intended. But North Dakota obviously decided it needed a more state-focused group for celebrating chickpeas, lentils, and lupins. Stealing is always illegal, but stealing crawfish can result in prison time less than 6 months if you steal less than $500 of crawfish or up to 10 years if you steal over $1,500 worth. It is the ideal time for tourists to travel during this month as they do not have to risk being affected by temperatures below freezing point. In Montana, proxy weddings are allowed for those serving in the military, which means a friend can pretend to be the groom or the bride and the union will still be considered valid. This murder is canceled," said no murderer ever. Final verdict:Don't worry, your workplace costume party is probably fine. Why? . Also, an ancient Norwegian law still exists that obliges all Norwegians to go out on expeditions to rape and plunder at least once every five years. Sadly, despite the law's prevalence among weird-law lists, the law itself is just a myth. 51. Writer at Thought Catalog. Weird Laws in Wisconsin: Crazy But True - Nicolet Law It is a thrilling natural phenomenon that can be experienced only when there is no midnight sun. In Britain, oddly enough it is illegal to be drunk in the pub. Swiss locals going about their daily lives objected to encountering walkers wearing nothing but a pair of walking boots and a smile. They decided that Winnie the Pooh, a beloved childrens character, was an inappropriate hermaphrodite because of its lack of identifying genitalia. Imago, Weird Laws. Pennsylvania. One of the most active glaciers of the world is present in Ilulissat, a city on the western coast of Greenland. The law was introduced after the state government realized drunks committed the majority of crimes in Alaska. Where this law exists: South Berwick, Maine. No one under 16 was allowed to smooch or show public displays of affectionthe horror (for the teens, that is). Final verdict:If you swear every time you stub your toe or drop your keys, don't move to Rockville, Maryland. In France, it is stated as illegal to marry a dead person. Yikes! Because I care, I went deep into the Gettysburg Times archives and . Worst part about this law is there is no way of punishing the criminals who commit it. For instance, in the city of Rockville (the county seat of Montgomery County), it is illegal to swear while on the highway. In Greece, police are allowed to arrest anyone suspected of having HIV. Ain't no poking fun at this one. We're talking about law-breaking criminals, right? The reason for this law comes down to respect for cultural traditions. 51 Crazy Stupid Laws in Europe - Travel Away Among native New Hampshire mammals are the white-tailed deer, muskrat, beaver, porcupine, and snowshoe hare. Someone may pursue legal action if they were simply watching from an authorized area. Also, when you return to your hotel, you must not dry your towels by hanging them out the window. Im out. Below are 51 absurdly ridiculous laws to keep in mind next time you travel to Europe. Otherwise, it is a crime of the third degree.. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. Greenland is called Greenland because that's what famous viking Erik the Red decided to call it when he started the first European settlement there in 982 AD. 1 Being in a Bar While Drunk. In essence, it bans the launching of any dangerous object, from stones to missiles to just about anything in between, within the bounds of Cumberland parks and playgrounds. Germany banned making any loud, excessive noises during quiet hours which are typically between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. 47. SIX INCHES OF CLOTHING. Where this law exists: Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Sometimes, these laws border on the seriously ridiculous, and other times they point to important cultural values that might be different than your own. In Oregon, talking dirty while having sex is illegal. While it's nearly impossible to enforce this law, and no blood test or medical history is required to get a marriage license, this health code could have prevented marital bliss for more than 9,700 Nebraskans who reported cases of chlamydia or gonorrhea to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services in 2015. Vikings reached the island in the 10th century from Iceland; Danish colonization began in the 18th century, and Greenland became an integral part of the Danish Realm in 1953. This allowance does not apply in high-stakes Beano, which, apparently, is also a thing. Oral sex is often considered sodomy by many states, according to the Hebrew Bible. 1820 which declared rape and other forms of sexual violence a war crime, a crime against humanity, and a constitutive act with respect to genocide, arising from the conflict in the Balkans, in which violating women became a conspicuous weapon in the war. Hopefully, you do, too. Final verdict: This weird law sounds like something made up by a fed-up best friend. Under it, no landlord could demand money owed by their tenants for a drink! However, the law is allowed under "life-threatening conditions as the only apparent means of survival," according to the Idaho State Legislature. The law has obviously been partly overturned as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and encouragement from health and legislative officials to wear masks and face coverings in public. It can be viewed clearly during the nights throughout the year when the skies are clear. By Kate Bratskeir Jan 22, 2016, 01:51 PM EST | Updated Sep 5, 2017 If you allow your donkey to sleep in a bathtub, you're an ass. Another weird state law makes it illegal for a person to eat a live eel in a public place unless the person loudly announces "Warning! Talking in church is a serious offense, at least in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The law was fittingly nicknamed the Sip and Spit law. Colorado ski resorts pay private companies to burn silver iodide on the slopes. In Honolulu, Hawaii it is illegal to sing loudly after sunset. 46. 47. No spitting (it's a public nuisance) Donkeys may not sleep in bathtubs. According to tradition, the Buddhist leader, who is in his eighties, will be reborn to help humanity.[7]. 19. But not names. While this law appears to be a direct assault on the First Amendment, it's thought to have been conceived in order to protect the public. Final verdict: According tothis Louisiana law, if you steal someone's crawfish, it's a big deal. 1. Here are 13 weird laws in Ohio that we are willing to bet you didn't know about. Just run and hide. It is situated on the Svalbard Islands on the north of the Scandinavian country, and the islands bleak scenery is contrasted only by the colorful homes and edifices of the local Longyearbyen people. A previous version of this article was co-authored by Christina Sterbenz. Only male dogs and cats can be neutered. Offenders can be sentenced to 25-year long prison time. So, as long as youre gifting the pizza to someone and its paid in full, it should be fine. In 2007, a barmaid was found to be in breach of the Liquor Control Act and fined A$1,000 as a result of entertaining her customers this way. Anyone "pretending to forecast or foretell the future of another by cards, palm reading or any other scheme, practice or device" can be found guilty of a misdemeanor and fined up to $500, or even serve time in jail, according to Maryland State Legislature. In Missouri it is illegal to drive with an uncaged bear 49. We've all heard urban legends and rumors about absurd laws in America, but you can't believe everything you read on the internet. A second clause specifies that passengers cant position themselves in such a way that it impedes the drivers peripheral vision. Top 10 Weirdest Australian Laws That Are Still in Effect In New York City it is illegal to honk your horn. Some even consider the animal a modern-day unicorn. The law came into effect in 2008, and many teenagers were outraged and protested. For example, some places have outlawed miniskirts, low-cut jeans, and tops that show too much cleavage. Singing or playing only part of the national anthem or remixing it as dance music is punishable by a fine of not more than $100, according to Massachusetts State Legislature. Top 10 Most Ridiculous Alcohol Laws In USA. 20 Stupidest Laws In The U.S. | Bored Panda It got to the point that it became a massive traffic jam and an ongoing driving hazard, so the town forbade parking there at all. 48. [9], You can understand why they might find it disconcerting or even thoroughly disturbing and irritating as one Swiss official put it. You might even recognize this legendary street from the movies. The rule states that no yelling, shouting, whistling or singing is allowed at any time. In Kentucky, a woman cannot remarry the same man more than three times. The Different Types of Stupid Laws The Dumbest Laws of California The Silliest English Laws You Won't Believe these Funny Laws America's Short Mistake of Prohibition That's why you need to know about some of the weirdest laws that you might break completely by accident. Unbelievable laws in Belgium that still exist today | Expatica Alaska. They dont like that in Australia. 51. Just quit it. In Milan, the only events you are not required to smile is when you're in a hospital and in the funeral. The course for this frozen version of Golf is snow fields along with icebergs in between. 39. One common Netflix habit is illegal in Tennessee but might be hard to actually enforce on the minor level. There are so many things wrong with this, but Mississippi lawmakers viewed it as an issue of morality. Notice of Crimes. In Tennessee it is legal to carry a loaded firearm into a bar. The poor bears were also subjected to inhumane practices, like removing their claws and teeth, to prevent them from killing their human opponents. 66. This weird Nevada law is founded on logic - although that might not seem apparent at first. Apparently, it leads to rubbing powder on one anothers faces.[8], In 2009, voters in Appenzell Inner Rhodes in the Swiss Alps voted to ban naked hiking. 14 Strange Laws From Around the World - Insider You're probably not going to get fined if you break it, but you may get a stern reminder. Skamania County, Washington, was the first county to draft the law in 1964 which states that "any . It suffered heavy damages after an avalanche in 2015,photo credit, Acaption showing downtown Longyearbyen, and the Adventfjorden sea and valley, as seen from the nearby Plateau Mountain, photo credit. Greenland was named as Greenland by Vikings who discovered this country in the 10th century. You cant even have a beer in the same room as a bingo game, even if youre not playing. Water pistols are usually seen as harmless funjust childrens toys for sunny days. Follow me on Twitter. Having your chickens cross the road in Georgia This isn't a joke: don't let your chicken cross the road in Georgia. In Samoa it is illegal to forget your wife's birthday. The Craziest Laws That Still Exist In The United States It's a strange, strange world we're in. In Alaska, a person. Thankfully, because it's one of the weirdest laws around the world, we're guessing it never really has to be enforced. How about laws in retrograde. Despite the goofy name, no one is allowed to use them in most states anymore aside from police officers. 16. So, hopefully, your old car works well enough to make it home from mass because you wont be able to buy a new one until Monday morning. That is enforcement that protects the lives of people unless someone wants to be the meal of a hungry polar bear. One of the popular-but-fake-sounding weird laws for Pennsylvania is that you can't catch a fish with your mouth. Unfortunately, when a local dam broke, the house flooded, and the bathtub floated away, donkey and all. And not just a salmon. It states: Use or wearing a body vest while engaged in the commission of, or an attempt to commit, or flight after committing or attempting to commit a crime of the first degree is a crime of the second degree. Apparently, it will become legal in 2015 (how sweet). 16 Things You Should Know If Your Significant Other Has CrohnsDisease, 21 Men And Women Share What Its Actually Like To Live Under ShariaLaw, Heres The Most Notorious Murder From EveryState, Here Is The Most Haunted Location In EveryState, 50 Of The Goofiest, Wackiest, And Absolutely Nuttiest Sex Laws From Around The World(NSFW), From Ancient Theater To Modern Drag: 100+ Stunning Historical Images That Document The Timeline Of LGBTHistory. The law applies also to trout, eels, lampreys, smelt, freshwater fish, and any other fish "specified for the purpose." 13 Strange Laws Around The World You Must Know If You Are - IndiaTimes Final verdict: At first read, this weird law seems like it should come with a hilarious reason. In Cleveland, it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license. on Weird laws in the worlds northernmost town: no funerals allowed, and no cats please! 33. If there is one place people are most likely to get drunk, it is a bar. 19. 11. The Swiss government has imposed hefty fines on anyone caught walking au naturel. Legal Status of Eastern Greenland - Final verdict:Finally, annoying little sisters who listen in will get what's coming to them! After one too many drunken parties ended in stealing and subsequently burning couches left on porches, the city of Boulder, Colorado took action. In Tuszyn, Poland, however, the town council seemed to take their responsibility a little too seriously. The name Adolf, for example, has not been banned, though its rarely used.[4]. Remote planet: Which is the worlds southernmost city? Obviously, eating it with your hands is the right way. When it was first invented, Wisconsin banned the yellow butter substitute, thinking that it was a threat to their thriving dairy industry. 13 strange and interesting facts about Iceland - Real Word This law was enacted to prevent people from being forced to foot the bill for food they didnt order. Now, that's something Europeans can probably get behind. 2. No horse shall be driven or ridden on any street in the city at a speed in excess of 10 miles per hour, and every horse shall be kept under control at all times by the person in charge thereof. However, these weird or outlandish laws are actually on the books, whether they're enforced or not. In Britain it is illegal to operate a cow while intoxicated. The 47 Weirdest Laws from Around the World Best Life After the donkey was rescued, the town passed one of the weirdest laws in the country, which forbids donkeys from sleeping in bathtubs. That said, some people swear by psychics and will pay top dollar for a reading from an experienced fortune-teller. Supposedly, the reason for the rule is hygiene. Although the tight swimsuits may not always be flattering, they are unlikely to have been worn outside on the streets. 17. Final verdict: Idiotic college students are to blame for this one. In Saudi Arabia, there is no minimum age for marriage. The Middle Ages spanned from roughly AD 500 to AD 1500. Body studios are illegal. The fine can be up to $50,000. 15 Weird Laws In Georgia That Will Blow Your Mind - OnlyInYourState Pixabay 36. Only about one in every 30,000 deer is born albino. Have You Heard About These Wacky Laws? 37. It's illegal to hang the laundry on Sunday. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Except strangely, you dont see people as equally outraged about this as they are about gay sex. In 2002, the vice governor of Phnom Penh said, We will not allow people to use [water pistols] because our nation is now peaceful, and if we let people play with them, it will look bad., The Cambodian authorities are not complete killjoys, however. 2. 10. The Craziest Laws That Still Exist In The United States In Iowa, it is illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman in public. Fun facts about Iceland | Reykjavik Excursions In Rhode Island, a union can be considered invalid under the grounds that the party is deemed to be, collectively, an idiot or a lunatic. The first coal-fired power plant of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. In Athens-Clarke County, adult bookstores may not sell alcohol. 10 Really Strange Laws You Might Accidentally Break - Listverse For his part, the Dalai Lama has said that he refuses to reincarnate in Tibet as long as Tibet remains under Chinese control. Illegal in Iceland: Quirky Bans From the Land of Fire and Ice 1. Final verdict: The point of this weird law was to help bolster state art agencies. Views: 4043 1. The Georgia Department of Agriculture law protects llama owners from liability in the event of harm or death with few exceptions. These games require a license from the Kansspelcommissie or no-one wins any financial gain. The ban on porch couches is still active in 2021. 10 Things You Didn't Know About Greenland TwistedSifter 26. Its basically a cow with toothpicks for legs. Since 1986, US authorities have had the legal right to access any 180-day old email, without a warrant. However, less than one-half is totally fine. Dirty tires that leave a trail of mud on the street are considered a public nuisance. 18. Weirdest Laws In Maryland -

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weird laws in greenland